Chapter V ~ Loss

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Elise, wearing her poorer attire (so as to blend in), was roaming the Parisian streets with Éponine as she usually did on her free days.

"I think I might be a bit in love with Marius," sighed Éponine, "It's not a little fancy anymore. I feel strongly for him."

"Oh really?" said Elise, looking down at the pavement.

"Oui. But he still hasn't noticed me." she said, sighing again.

"He will soon," Elise smiled. She genuinely hoped he did, but the male gender was something that she thought was most likely unreliable by then. Soon enough, they'd both become depressed and lonely girls driven to misery. All because of the male species.

"What about you, Lizzie?" said Éponine, smiling faintly at Elise. "Anyone catch your eye?"

"No," Elise lied, shaking her head. "No one."

"Grantaire was looking your way- oh, never mind, it might have just been the fact that he was inebriate. And not Joly, I think he fancies someone else... I think Enjolras might fancy you, actually. He's never been so... happy looking around others before. He's always so serious and stuff, but he seemed different when he was talking to you." she finished, while Elise frowned.

"No, he only thinks of me as a friend." she said stiffly.

"Okay," said Éponine, with the kind of shrug that says 'think what you'll think but my opinion stays the same'.

And so they reached the Opera House. Waving at Éponine, Elise stepped in alone, heading to Meg's room. Once inside, she gasped. Meg was incredibly pale, tiredly looking at the ceiling. Her feverish forehead glistened with sweat and Meg turned to face Elise.

"Mother! Are you feeling okay?" cried Elise, already knowing the answer.

"No, darling," she coughed violently here. "I am a afraid to say I'm reaching my end."

Tears were flooding into Elise's eyes. "No, you can do it."

"Just talk to me," breathed Meg hoarsely. "Tell me anything."

"Well, you know those students who want to rebel, right?"

She nodded very faintly.

"I joined them. It's what my heart chose no matter what other people think." Elise said, stroking Meg's pallid face gently.

"That's the independent Elise I know. Don't let others," she coughed, "tell you what to do."

"And, Mother, just last week I met a boy. He's a student and one of the leaders of the rebellion. His name is Enjolras. And I swear I felt something when I met him. But I think it's only a simple fancy." Elise said, idly turning Meg's hand on her own over and over again.

"Don't worry, Lizzie. If he gets to know you, he'll like you. You underestimate yourself," she said, her faint smile reassuring Elise the slightest bit.

Elise nodded softly, "My father disapproves of the rebellion. He'll have my head when he finds out I'm helping the students."

"Don't stop because of your father. Follow your heart. If you have a dream, don't wait. Act. One of life's little rules," whispered Meg, her shaky hand resting on Elise's chest, just over her heart. "I think today might be my last day," she added after a pause.

"No, mama! You'll live!" Elise protested, tears filling her eyes.

Meg feebly smiled. "I won't. I can barely keep my eyes open."

"Please!" Elise cried, grasping Meg's hand supportingly. "Don't."

"Just think, I shall see The Lord soon." breathed Meg, her feverish forehead glistening with sweat.

"I love you, mama." sobbed Elise. Meg smiled sweetly at her stepdaughter.

"I love y..." Meg whispered. Her eyes started without seeing into the distance. She was dead.

Elise wept over her frail and lifeless body.

In the dark of the night, Elise slipped into her father's home, leaving her coat on the hanger. She stepped into the parlor and found her father pondering something in front of the fireplace.

Needless to say, Javert was surprised when his daughter flung herself into his arms and wept.

"Meg," sobbed Elise, "She's died."

"It's okay. She's with God now," said Javert stiffly, patting Elise's head softly.

When it comes to home and family, we never keep either as close as we should. Who ever stops to think that this time could be the last?

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