Chapter II ~ An Unexpected Meeting

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Two days later, I went out to the Café Musain again.

Éponine was waiting outside for me and we entered together. Considering we had actually come at the right time, we had a chance both before and after the meeting to meet the students behind the revolutionary ideas. There was Courfeyrac, Combeferre, Grantiare, Jehan, and Joly along with many others.

Gavroche popped in and out of view as he moved among the crowd, running here and there.

During the speeches and talks, my wandering eyes couldn't resist landing onto Enjolras quite a few times. One of those times he'd been looking back at me and I faintly blushed, smiling at him softly. To my surprise, he flashed a faint smile back before he broke eye contact with me and resumed his serious expression looking at the person who was currently speaking, prompting me to pay attention again.

The meeting consisted of more planning and organizing things that would allow us a better chance at winning he revolution, since our chances were minimal at the moment. They spoke about schemes they had. We were going to wait until the perfect opportunity; a moment most eyes would be looking to, so that we could use that moment to make our move. Meanwhile, we were going to have a protest in the middle of the city.

I debated very strongly with myself about attending it though. If my father would to find out, he'd kill me. But it was the right thing to do in my perspective. I'd decide later.

I stood up, pumping my fist in the air in a very unladylike way. "Vive la France!" we ended, and the group started breaking up. Éponine and Marius started chatting, and I listened, not really interested on the subject or what they were talking about.

"Aren't I right, Lizzie?" asked Éponine, nudging me with a grin on her face.

"Yeah," I muttered, staring blankly ahead. I realized I'd been staring at a certain blonde for a while unaware of it.

Her grin faltered. "Lizzie? Are you okay?"

"Completely," I smiled softly, shaking my head dismissively.

"Hit your head?" she said, her worry disappearing and being replaced by her usual self.

I chuckled, holding the blue, white, and red cockade I received earlier in my hands and fiddled around with it before deciding to pin it in my hair as Marius and Éponine continued talking. I couldn't help but notice the dreamy look Éponine gave Marius while he simply kept talking unaware.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned, realizing that it was Enjolras. What would he want with me?

"Hello," I smiled.

"Hello," he said, bowing his head at me for a moment. "What did you think of today's dictions?"

"They were quite good," I admitted, thinking back to the speeches. "They were powerful and motivational, which is just what we needed. I can't wait until that moment we're waiting for. The moment we make our move." By this time, I had taken the revolution to heart. It was something very important to me.

He nodded, glancing around the cafe. "Mademoiselle, you're really interested in this, aren't you?"

"Oui, I can't stand walking through the streets seeing the poor suffer so." I muttered.

He paused in thought for a while. "Care to take a walk with me sometime and discuss it?"

"I'd love to."I smiled.

He turned, as someone had called his name. Turning back, he said, "Wonderful. Meet me here tomorrow then. At the same time." he smiled faintly, his ocean blue eyes gazing into my hazel ones before he turned and left.

Éponine said something to Marius, and she turned to me.

"What did he want?" she said, gesturing to the departing Enjolras.

"Nothing, 'Ponine," I smiled. "I'd better get going."

She smirked, and said, "Alright."

And so I exited the cafe and walked to the Opera House, the night wind coolly blowing. I gingerly slid the cockade into my pocket.

(( ~Change of perspective~ ))

The previous few days had been exceptionally rainy and humid. The sky was overcast and the warm summer wind swept along the city of Paris. Each day ever since the ominous clouds first appeared brought the waters, and today was no exception.

Hastily walking toward the Opera House, which was a good quarter hour's walk away, the young woman felt the rain start to prickle the skin on her face. The heavens were starting to rain down on the city of Paris yet again. The girl picked up her pace as the rain thickened and pulled her cloak over her head. She was walking at a very fast pace by now, only narrowly avoiding the large puddles as she went along.

The girl, Elise, soon arrived at the entrance to the Opera House. She opened its doors (which were shut to keep the rain out), stepped in, and headed towards the doors leading to the worker's abodes, but was suddenly halted by a serious voice.

The initial surprise of being called out to wore off as she turned to see who it was. It was the Police Inspector Javert.

Most would have been petrified by his presence. Others would nervously try to escape the room unnoticed by the intimidating Inspector. And yet, this simple girl, Elise, only walked up to him. No fear at all. She stopped at a mere distance of two feet from him. Again, most would keep a measure of thirty feet away for fear of being arrested. What was possibly the strangest thing that had happened though, was the fact that she actually smiled up at him. And the fact that what she said to him was indeed, "Hello, Father."

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