Chapter I ~ The Opera House

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My name is Elise Rosier and this is the story of how I died.


"Mama, are you feeling okay?" Elise whispered to her mother, in the room in the back of the Paris Opera House.
"I'm fine, Lizzie," she smiled weakly before coughing. Elise felt her glistening forehead. "You're burning up," she mumbled, reaching for the cloth and bowl of water by her bedside table, and applying the cool cloth to her head.
It pained her, just like it would to any daughter, so to see her mother in this situation. Meg wasn't exactly her mother, but she had raised Elise as if she were her own. She was the one who was always there for Elise, whose mother passed away and father never visited even though he sent letters every so often.
Elise wanted her to get better, but she had contracted the white plague, the illness there is no cure for. And every day she got worse.
"Try to eat some rest, mama. I'm gonna go meet up with Éponine if that's fine with you," Elise murmured as a weak smile grew on her face.
"Go ahead," Meg whispered with a loving smile before having a coughing fit.

Éponine led Elise to the Café Musain. It was a sort of tavern, but they were just going to have a little chitchat there, which would undoubtedly involve Éponine showing Elise her heartthrob- that Pontmercy boy. However, when the two friends entered, they seemed to have walked into the middle of a meeting.
There were many students there, all sitting at tables and listening to one of them talking; it was a blonde young man with curly locks of hair and a red coat. Something about him radiated strength and leadership.
Éponine nudged Elise and pointed to the boy who sat near the speaker, mouthing 'That's Marius' at her
So that was the boy that Éponine is so in love with.
Marius glanced around the room and paused when he saw Éponine. Soon enough, he was pushing his way carefully through the boys to where we stood at the end of the room.

"'Ponine! What are you doing here?" asked Marius, somewhat confused as to why the Thénardier girl, of all people, was there.
"Just wanted to talk someplace with my friend," Ponine smiled.
"Well, there's a meeting going on right now of the Friends of the ABC that I told you about. I say, you should listen in! Maybe you'll get interested in joining us!" he said, his tone brightening a bit before turning to Elise.
"I think we should," Éponine responded airily, gazing at Marius dreamily.
"And I'm guessing you're one of Eponine's friends. My name is Marius Pontmercy," Marius said, turning to Elise and bowing slightly.
"Elise Rosier," I responded. "It's a pleasure," I said as I mused, wondering how Marius can be so ignorant and oblivious to Éponine's feelings towards him.
He smiled. "Will you be joining the meeting?"
The two young women nodded and he led them to his table next to the speaker, and he pulled out some seats for them.

The blonde was going on about revolting; the focus was to recruit more protesters so that they could overthrow King Charles X.
"We need to get rid of Charles. His reactionary policies are ruining us! He gives more power to the aristocrats! What do the poor have to say? When we tried to speak our minds, he censored the press! The poor need to speak up and right this wrong. We need to end this suffering. We want change!" he finished exuberantly, raising a fist in the air. "Vive la France! Vive la France!" Everyone chanted, joining him.

By then, due to her open mindedness, Elise had accepted the idea of a revolution. It appealed to her anyway, since she'd thought about it before. Not a day passed by in which she didn't see people starving to death on the streets. She had the luck to be adopted by a woman in the middle class who had a respectable job. She had a home. She had food. But Elise wasn't oblivious to the beggars on the street, the prostitutes forced to sell themselves due to poverty, and the thieves who need to steal only to sell their wares in order to purchase food. And Elise decides that she wanted to be a part of this revolution, this movement that would right these wrongs.

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