Chapter VII ~ Saint Michele / Confessions

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The day of the Saint Michele riot arrived. The area was full of students and protesters alike: all the people who wanted change.

Elise, dressed in a plain dress, which was not too simple yet was well kept, stood in the crowd with Éponine at her side.

Look down, and see the beggars at your feet

The beggars were crowded around the wealthys' cars, blocking the way and slowing down their horses. The crowd was clamorous, outraged at those higher class men.

Look down and show some mercy if you can.

Elise pushed her way through the crowd, past the many who were starving to death. Éponine followed. Urchins ran among the teeming street, shouting out. It was rather inspiring to see all of the citizens speaking up. It was if the fire of rebellion was being rekindled in the people. Elise watched in pure wonder.

Look down and see the sweepings on the street

Look down, Look down,

Upon your fellow man!

Suddenly someone ran into Elise. She looked down and saw that it was Gavroche, who grinned up at her. He was one of the friends she was most attached to. Since he was so young and was always out on the street, she felt like she was somewhat responsible for him, no matter how silly it was. "'Ello, Miss Elise!" he said quickly, before running among the cars and even leaning in through one of their windows and addressing the passenger directly. She was completely astonished that Gavroche, in his young age, was so dedicated to the cause, and was so eager to speak out. But he'd better not get hurt.

"'Ow do you do, my name's Gavroche! These are my people, here's my patch. Not much to look at; nothing posh. Nothing that you'd call up to scratch. This is my school, my high society, here in the slums of Saint Michele. We live on crumbs of humble piety. Tough on the teeth, but what the hell!"

Gavroche swung down from the window, yelling, "Think you're poor? Think you're free? Follow me! Follow me!"

Elise kept weaving her way through the mass, trying to get to the front.

"When's it gonna end?" said a man.

"When we gonna live?"

"Something's gotta happen now or

Something's gonna give!"

It'll come, it'll come, it'll come

It'll come, it'll come, it'll come

Elise reached the front, where Enjolras and Marius stood on a platform of sorts.

"Where are the leaders of the land? Where is the king who runs this show?" shouted Enjolras passionately to the crowd.

"Only one man - and that's Lamarque Speaks for these people here below." added Marius. Courfeyrac went up and murmured something to him, prompting him to continue, "Lamarque is ill and fading fast! Won't last the week out, so they say."

"With all the anger in the land, how long before the judgement day? Before we cut the fat ones down to size?"

bellowed Enjolras, who raised his fist up high, "Before the barricades arise?"

Suddenly, a gunshot ran through the air. Elise's eyes widened. If the police saw her there, it wouldn't be too long until her father found out about her political escapade. He himself might appear since this was a rather large protest.

She ran up to where Marius and Enjolras were.

"It was good, but Marius, we need to go," said Éponine, pulling Marius away in the direction of 50-52, the house that Marius had rented a room of and Éponine and the rest of the Thénardiers (or, as most thought, the Jondrettes) rented the neighboring room.

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