Chapter 22

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In the hall...

"So...are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Vikramaditya took a sip of his drink and said, "2 things."

Kajal waited as he continued, "A) This mojito is...heavenly and B) I sense some drama in our midst."

Kajal laughed, got up from opposite him and plunked herself next to him to say "I knew I chose the right man."

Vikramaditya playfully pulled her nose and smiled at her. She sipped her mojito and said, "You're right on both counts. I have a feeling the brother likes her."

He remembered Aditya's face as he heard Purab addressing himself as Aditi's date and nodded. He then added, "Purab likes her too. At least from what I can see."

Kajal bit her lip and agreed to say, "Yeah that is also rather evident."

Vikramaditya commented, "I would hate to be in Aditya's shoes. Poor chap looks like he didn't know what hit him. Although he's covering that fact admirably well."

Kajal laughed and asked teasingly, "The way you did with Samrat?"

Viramaditya shot her a dry look and responded, "You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"

"Now where would the fun be, if I did?"

Viramaditya laughed at that and took her hand in his. As he played with her fingers, he asked, "Who do you think Aditi likes?"

Kajal smiled and responded, "Only time will tell, my good man. I have a hunch though."

"Care to share that hunch?"

"Are you saying you don't have one?"

He smirked and said, "Let's just say it's going to be an interesting meal."

Meanwhile...In Mads' room

Aditi led Purab into Mads' room and said, "Okay, I'm really sorry about all this."

Purab shook his head and held her arms to say, "Aditi, relax! Honestly, it's not such a big deal."

Visibly upset, Aditi shook her head to say, "No. It is a big deal. I can't believe I let this slip my mind. I thought it was Friday today because I was called into work. That is, of course, not an excuse."

Purab bent his head and lifted her face up to look her directly in the eyes and said softly, "Hey...I said it's alright. Are you sure you're okay? You seem all...flustered."

She thought of how she had messed up Purab's most probably thoughtful date by being an airhead. She then pictured Adi's face as he stood there looking at her and Purab and felt even worse. How had she managed to land herself in such a soup?

Also meanwhile...In the kitchen

"Can you reach for the fancy dishes? They're in that cupboard up there."

Adi reached up and pulled out the only box that he could see and set it on the counter. As he prised open the cellotape, he asked quietly, "Where's your date?"

Mads pulled the box from him and started taking out the dishes as she said, "Caught in traffic. He should be here in time for dinner."

He crossed over to the other counter and looked for something to do. Mads casually enquired, "So why are you wearing my apron after finishing the cooking?"

He blinked and looked down at the garb tied around his neck. He slowly tugged at the straps around his waist until they came undone and pulled the apron from over his head to set it aside. He asked, "Why didn't you tell me everyone had to bring a date to this thing?"

Mads smirked without looking back at him and continued to rinse the new dishes. Still smirking, she replied, "Because everyone didn't need to."

He crossed his arms across his chest and asked, "Then why is Aditi's date here sitting in your house sipping a mojito?"

Mads shook her head with barely controlled mirth and replied, "She forgot about their date. He wasn't actually invited until ten minutes ago. But we have more than enough food. So not to worry."

Adi irritatedly replied, "That is hardly the problem I was referring to."

Mads rearranged her features to hide her smile, turned off the faucet and finally turned around to face him. She looked him squarely in the eyes and asked pointedly, "Then what is the problem you are referring to, Bhai?"

He looked at his sister and thought about trying to articulate what was going on in his head. He instead said, "I...just like to be informed of the situation, that is all."

Mads shook her head in exasperation and said, "Bhai, you forget that I've known you my whole life."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Mads wanted to shake her brother for the sheer idiocy he was displaying. She controlled herself and said, "That means in this case, I seem to know your mind better than you do."

Adi frowned and challenged, "Now what does that mean?"

Mads frowned right back and said, "It means that if you don't wake up soon, something tells me you're going to regret it."

Author's Note: I shall work really hard and try to get you a chapter by the end of this week. Till then, here's something to hold on to. Much love, - S

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