Chapter 10

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"These are the front steps of a library. Hardly monumental."

He said, "Wait for it."

She frowned and looked around. She then looked up at the sky. Maybe he was going to show her a star or something. Nope, clear sky. And that's when she heard it.

Light strains of guitar chords were playing from the building next door. She looked up and saw a window open. She then looked down to read a board.

"Ben's Music Academy"

The song was delightfully lilting and she closed her eyes for a moment and felt every other thought slowly leaving her mind.

As the song ended, she opened her eyes and saw Purab seated on the steps behind her. He patted the space next to him and smiled. She walked over and joined him. He said, "The class ends at 9 every day. Then, he practices the songs that he writes himself. I found this place a few days back. I'm going to get my content guys to write something about this. Then again, I'm a little sad that I won't have this place all to myself."

She nodded and replied, "Such places are rare. And it's such a great place to hang out. He doesn't even know he's serenading us."

He nudged her in the shoulders and asked, "Did I win?"

"It's a date."

Author'sNote: Okaydid you guys like Purab? And the place? Lemme know, eh? Also, I made good on mypromise and gave 2 chapters! I know this chapter is small but I feel the lesssaid in this one, the better. :D Hope you liked them. Keep rocking this week! -S

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