Chapter 8

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It was seven when she was still sitting at her desk. There was something different though. She wasn't working for a change. She was gaping at a freshly unwrapped black beret cap which was primly looking back at her. Someone had gone to great lengths to make it up to her for a plain phone call. It was plain but the minute she put it on, she felt prettier. She looked in her blank phone screen and even there she could see that she wasn't wrong in thinking that.

Her phone pinged a few minutes later.

Unknown Number: Now that you've received all that I intended to send, I wish for you to do me another favour and meet me at Mac's at 8. I hope to see you there.

She read the message and didn't know what to think. So much trouble for a phone call. HE really went all out, didn't he? She shook her head, saved his number and sent a reply confirming that she would come.

An hour later, she pushed the door leading to Mac's and asked the manager for a table reserved under Aditya's name. The manager asked her, "Ma'am could you please tell me your name?"

"Oh. Aditi. Is the reservation under my name?"

The manager nodded and said, "This way, ma'am. The gentleman is waiting for you."

She smiled and followed the manager. She peered at Aditya from a distance and waved. He waved back. Only when she neared the table did she realize that it wasn't him.

It wasn't Adi...


She stared back at the guy in front of her. He was wearing a grey full-sleeved t-shirt and jeans. He had a pleasant, rather disarming smile on his face and he had directed his gaze right at her.

He asked politely, "Aditi?"

She asked hesitantly, "Uh...Purab Roy?"

He looked surprised and replied, "Wait, how do you know my name?"

"I've googled you."

He smiled widely and said, "That's a first I've heard on a date."

She frowned slightly and asked, "I still don't understand any of this."

He shook his head and stood up immediately. He extended his hand towards her and said, "I'm so sorry. I didn't explain at all, did I? I'm Purab, like you correctly guessed. I was your blind date that day."

Author'sNote: Iknow what you're thinking. Super tiny chapter. I'll make it up to you too, don'tworry. :D Hope you have a great Friday! - S

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