Ch. 45 - You're Adopted

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AN: I don't usually do this because when I read other people's stories I usually just imagine how the characters look in my head but if you wanted to know how I pictured them they're up there, you can imagine them anyway you want idc as long as you enjoy :)
I'm prayin for ya'll...

The sound of utensils clinking against porcelain plates were the only noises that could be heard throughout the awkwardly quiet dining room.

That and also the sound of Harry's heavy breathing as he hypervenilated into the brown paper bag Dad E. had lent him at the dining table.

"Um, can someone pass the peas please..." Todd spoke up, breaking the silence as his voice cracked at the end of his request making him immediatly clear his throat before looking up from his plate.

Mandy reached out for the bowl at the same time as Harry who was sitting across from her, their hands brushing against eachother for a moment causing the both of them to still in their seats.

With wide eyes they quickly retracted their hands back making Harry breathe even harder into his crinkling paperbag until he leaned down, resting his head on my lap hiding from everyone while I stroked his hair, his long legs curled on his own seat as he snuggled into me.

"Awkward...." Grant sang out in a high pitched voice, taking a sip of his glass of water with a smug expression on his face as both my fathers, Mandy, and I turned to glare at him.

"Alright... no one passes the Indian boy his peas, fine, I get it." Todd mumbled under his breath, standing up from his seat to reach across the plates of food for the bowl, his stomach pressing flat against the table before he finally retrieved it with a grunt.

"So... Mandy honey, how's your work with Chanel going?" Dad D. asked, clearing his throat as he wiped at his lips while Mandy plastered a forced smile, grabbing the salt shaker as her eyes shifted from the table to our dads.

"Oh yeah, it's great, love it," Mandy began, snorting a bit as she forced a laugh while shaking the salt over her steak.

"Did lots of shoots in Miami, modeled a few works in Europe you know same 'ol same 'ol.... but hey! You know what, enough about me let's talk about Natalie!" She said, still shaking the salt shaker over her food as she brought everyone's attention to me with an uneasy overly cheerful smile.

"So how's it- how's it going? How's life treating you sis? You seem to uh- to uh have a new addition with you, how did, how did that happen huh?" Mandy laughed out, furrowing her brows together as she tried to act casual.

"Mandy." I said, my gaze flickering to the salt that was beginning to pile up on her plate.

"I mean it's not- it's not that I care it's just I think we all want to know and I'm happy for you! I really am, ha, remember when I said to go out and get a guy, yeah anyone remember that? No-" Mandy continued to ramble on, looking around nervously with a shakey smile as she swallowed.

"Mandy." I began again, my whole family just staring at the meat on her plate that was now halfway buried in salt.

"I just, I'm curious how you two met really I mean it's just so funny how small the world is isn't it? Hillarious right? Absolutely bust your gut kind of funny-"

"Mimi!" A deep voice snapped making all of us freeze as we turned to look at Harry who raised his head up from my lap, an intense look in his eyes as he glared at my sister.

"You're putting too much salt on your food." He told her, avoiding her gaze as she gulped, her blue eyes widening in surprise at all the salt on her plate while Harry placed his hand on my thigh from under the table.

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