Right There

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"Hey", Jake said opening the door to my room. "Hey", I replied. "So you're really gonna go with him?" "Well, I mean, he already bought my ticket, and he really does give a great apology. I mean he was just looking out for me" "Yeah, so I guess the stitches on my face mean nothing to you" "I know, I know, I know, I'm so sorry Jake, you don't understand how I feel about him" "No I do understand, and that's why I don't think you should go, you'll get yourself hurt Ashley, trust me!" "I'm sorry Jake, but I'm going, and that's final" I picked up my suitcase and walked out of the bedroom. He followed me to the front door where I turned around and stared at him before opening it. "Don't try to miss me too much bro", I said giving him and peck on the cheek. I opened the door and walked out to the car where Zach was waiting. I could tell he had saw Jake because his face was getting red with anger, but he calmed down when I got inside the car. "What was he doing there?", he asked as we pulled off. "Oh you know, just borrowing some sugar", I replied. We drove quietly down the highways to avoid an argument. "Should I really go with him, I really feel bad for Jake", I thought. "I mean Jakes really sweet, but I really don't know if I can trust him anymore, and Zachs great, but I don't know, he has a weird temper." I was pulled from my thoughts by Zachs voice. "Hey do you want anything?", he asked. I looked up and noticed that we were at McDonald's. "No I don't like to eat before I get on planes", I said. "Suit yourself", he said before getting out the car and walking inside. I thought for a while then, quickly pulled out my phone and dialed Jakes number. He didn't answer but I did get his voicemail:

"Hey Jake, it's me Ashley, can you please call me back, its very important."

I hung up the phone just as Zach was getting back in the car. "I got you this, just in case the flights delayed or something", he said handing me a bag. I looked inside and there were fries, and a frappe. "Thanks", I said smiling. The smile instantly went away as the dilemma I was facing crept back into my mind. He must've noticed because he asked what's wrong as we pulled out of the parking lot. "Nothing, just thinking about stuff" "Cmon tell me, tell Dr Zach" "Haha, no. I can't" "Cmonnnnnn I wanna know. Is it something I did? Do you not like Frappes?" "Yes, i do", I said laughing at his jokes. "Its, um..." "How do I tell my boyfriend I might like someone else?", I thought. "Umm, well I have this friend, and he has a girlfriend, but he also likes this other girl just a little bit, but he loves his girlfriend, but then something happened that made his girlfriend bring out her evil side, and now he doesn't know what to do, like... who he should choose?" "Oh... um... is this friend... you?" "Am I a guy?" " No no no, I'm just asking, because this story sounds familiar" "Ok, well... There's a 50% chance its me then.", I said. "Oh...", he replied. I watched as all the emotion drained away from his face, and it became blank. He turned up the radio. I felt like dying. WHAT DID I JUST DO!? I turned my head back towards the window, and felt the tears run down my face. I knew he hated me. He probably wanted to push me out of the car right then. I hadn't noticed before but the car had stopped, and we weren't at a red light.

"Ok Ashley, tell me. I need to know."

I refused to look at him, but then he put his hand on my shoulder, and turned me towards him. I kept my head facing down, but he could still see the tears. He wrapped his arms around me and layed my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Ashley, more than anything else in the world. I just wanna know if, I just wanna know if you love me too." I looked up at him and his green orbs pulled me in. I put my lips on top of his, and kissed him slowly, only pulling away after 5 seconds. He smiled at me, and turned back on the car. Again we drove in silence, but this time it was different, there was nothing to hide. Just us and love.

A/N: (I hate when people do this. but I think I should), I know this was short and uneventful, but the next chapters are gonna be big so get ready :)

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