You Said You'd Never Hurt Me!

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Oddly enough, i woke up that friday morning smiling. I checked my phone, and there were 25 missed calls, 25, Jacobs favorite number. I clicked off the phone and opened up my laptop. I checked my notifications on Tumblr, and then went to open up the window, and that's when i saw it.

Jake, and...... A girl!

Kissing..... in front of his house!

Holding hands as they walked towards his car!!!

Tears quickly came running down my face, and i backed away tripping over a box, and falling on my back. My brother must've heard me crying because i heard his footsteps coming up the stairs, and getting closer to my bedroom. I got up fast enough to slam the door in his face. I backed up against the door and sat down, my tears falling like rain.

"How could i be so stupid? How could i let somebody back into my life so quick? What is wrong with me!?" My thoughts raced like they usually did and after about an hour of crying, i finally stood up, went to my bed and went back to sleep.


"You know I'd never hurt you"

"You know I'd never hurt you"

"You know I'd never hurt you"

"You know I'd never hurt you"

"You know I'd never hurt you"

The words filled my dreams, but this time they were filled with anger. I woke up to see my brother sitting on the floor beside of my bed

"Hey, are you ok?"

"Um, yeah why are you in here"

"I heard you crying. I just wanted to make sure you were ok"

Me and my brother always had a closer relationship then most other siblings, but when I broke up with Jacob, I became distant, and ever since, he's been trying to "protect" me, as he calls it. "I'm fine. Can I just be alone for a little bit", I said forcing the weakest smile I could find. "Ok. I'm going to the park", he said walking out the room and closing the door. I looked at the clock and realized that I'd been asleep for 3 hours. I looked out the window to see if Jake was back, but the thought of him kissing that girl haunted me.


"You know. I'd never hurt you"

"You know. I'd never hurt you"

UGHHHHH, I screamed. Why, Why! After I told him exactly what happened, and I opened up to him, and this is how he repays me? I know were not a couple, but I just felt the connection that he was talking about. I thought we had something special."Hey, is Ashley here", a voice mumbled through my closed door. I knew it was him. Why was he here. Was he gonna rub It in my face, and try to embarrass me. Why!?

The door opened, and he walked inside. "Hey, what's up". His voice was so perfect. I could feel the "Fan girl" side of me coming out, and I just wanted to give me a big hug, but the anger, the picture of him kissing this girl. Who was she? Why was he kissing her?

"Hi", the words barely came out.

"What's wrong. Did you speak to.... him"

I ignored him. My anger was calmed by common sense. He doesn't know that I know. I sounded so much like an actor. "He doesn't know that I know, that he knows, that i know". I smirked at my joke, and let out a little laugh. My back was facing him but he still saw. "Aw you see. You look so much better when your happy." Even though what he said was sweet, his voice brought all my anger back, and I started crying uncontrollably.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?", he said putting his arm around my shoulder. I quickly pushed him away.

"How could you!?", I cried.

"Me, What. What did I do?"

"Oh. Don't act innocent. I saw you kissing that girl!? I-I though you, you felt, like.... a connection. We're you just saying all this to make me feel better? Who was she? Was that you girlfriend?"


My heart dropped.

"Its not what you think. I mean I don't know what's going on.", Jake explained. "Look Jake, can you just leave me alone... Forever", I asked. After I said it, I realized that this was Jake Short I was telling to stay away from me!

"Ash, I'm sorry"

The name struck me. It was what Jacob used to call me. He never said my full name. Even when we first met. I looked at Jake, and my heart sank lower and lower. "Please, just go", I said.

"Forever? Are you sure?"

I knew I didn't want to be away from him forever, but I didn't want to give in to him. I just ignored it. "Ok, bye", he said, walking out of my bedroom. Josh walked into my room and saw me crying, and before he could say anything. I threw my arms around him, and held him like I was holding on for my life. "Please, Don't ever hurt me", I said. He smiled and put his arms around me, and we stood there, hugging.

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