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"Hey, come in", Jake said. He was shirtless, and his hair was wet like he had just come out the shower.

My mom and brother walked in and as I walked passed him, he grabbed my arm.

"Hey, aren't you that girl I saw at the beach today?", Jake said.

My mind raced, I was so happy to be talking to this boy I've fangirled over for soo long, but at the same time I was embarrassed that he saw me get hit, but I was also sad that he didn't come over to help. I knew I couldn't say this stuff, so I just said "maybe..."

"He don't be embarrassed, I got hit so many times when I first went to the beach here", Jake added with a smile. I almost lost my cool when he smiled at me. He must of realized that I was nervous because he grabbed my hand and and pulled me into the kitchen.

"Hey Grandma, were going to In N Out burger. Just for milkshakes", he said.

"okay, be back by 6:30"

It was 3:00 so I had a feeling that we weren't only going to In N' Out.

"So where are you from", he said trying to break the ice.


"What! Are you serious"?

"Yeah, I mean I was born in Ny, but my family moved to Indiana last year"

"Wow, thats so cool"

I couldn't believe that my first day in California would include being driven around by JAKE SHORT!

He must've saw that I was really nervous, and that my hands we're shaking because he took his hand and put it on top of mine.

"Omg, his hands are so soft, and he's so cute when he's driving. I wonder where else he's taking me, I wonder what he's thinking", I thought.

"Soooooo, you're pretty quiet aren't you". I laughed.

"C'mon you must have something to say"

"I love you? You're the best person ever? I can't believe I'm next to you? Are these things I should say", I thought, my mind was racing again.

"You're a pretty good driver", I said

"Thanks. Can I tell you something. And you have to promise not to freak out"

I almost had a heart attack. Is he gonna say he likes me, Does he think I'm cute?

"haha, ok, What is it"

"This is..... My first time driving without an adult since I got my license"

My heart stopped racing, and I became a normal person again. even though I was scared that he would get us into an accident. ...

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