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I was having a conversation one night with one of my friends i have been friends with since y7... but i think we hated each other till y9 as i was an annoying little shit.

We had a lengthy conversation about how we both felt but it didn't involve labels or sexuality... but that was when i realised why hide who you are... who cares? why be judged for something your not.

I am a lesbian.... for sure! Don't worry their isn't going to be another paragraph about how i was so unsure and i'm some man lover.

I've been with my girlfriend now for 13 months and i am out to my entire family as being a lesbian and they are all ok with that. I'm happy knowing one day i will get married to a woman, wake up beside a woman and have children with a woman.  When i think about about it it was obvious all along. I think the reason why i have struggled with my sexuality because by definition sexuality is who you feel attracted to. I do not particularly look at a women and think oh god hot dammit. I connect emotionally and sexually with women. Whereas with men i have a more brotherly connection with them and the thought of having sex with a man who i may feel close to feels like incest. 

So i'm happy.

I haven't written on here for over a year because i have spent it with my amazing girlfriend and sometimes you realise sharing memories and writing books isn't your first priority but making memories and moving forward. Maybe your past was shit but if those events didn't happen i guess we wouldn't have the experiences and the person we are today.

Sorry for such a strange short story.

Thanks for reading x 

P.S if you are struggling with labels and sexuality don't label yourself just accept that's how you feel and it will figure itself out eventually. I did too much labeling... if you hadn't guessed. Keep smiling 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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