Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 (Wedding)



I get up and I'm so excited for Aleah. Today's the wedding and she must be thrilled.

"Hey get up!" I say shaking Aleah.

"What?" She says with a groggy voice.

"Today's the big day!" I yell in her ear.

"I know I know." She smiles immediately getting up.

"Aren't you excited?" I ask.

"Yes!" She says blushing.

"Lets get your nails done, hair done,makeup done, and wax!" I say with a huge smile.

"I was already going to, but ill do it with you." She says smiling even bigger.

"I'm so happy for you." I say slapping my hands together.

"Thanks S." she says putting her hair up.

"We'll just throw on whatever and we can get going. I'll drive." I demand.

"Okay." She says laughing.

"Mom! We're going to leave in a bit. Be dressed!" I scream from Aleah's room.

I throw on my VS thick yoga pants, a white v neck and a thick white sweater. I also throw my hair into a messy bun, slip on my Uggs, apply only lipgloss, and grab my purse.

"Ready!" I yell.

"Same." Aleah says.

No matter how messy she may look wearing sweats, she always looks great.

"Lets go." I say.

"Wait, mom."

"We need to run!" Aleah says in a sweet tone.

"I'm coming." My mom says.

"Great, now lets go." I say.

We all get into my small car and take off to downtown.

"Here it is. Nails and veils." Aleah says pointing.

"Okay." I agree.

"Here they do everything for weddings. Hair, makeup, the usual." My mom says looking out the window.

"Yeah. Lets go." I say parking and getting out of my car.

"Hi welcome! What can I do for you all?" A nice lady says.

"We have an appointment for Aleah Chaplin please." Aleah says looking at the lady.

"Okay. Ah ha. Here it is. Please come this way." The lady says showing Aleah where to go.

"Thanks." I say and follow.

"Aleah you'll sit right here and your sister and mother with be on the sides of you. Kind of like a family sandwich." The lady laughs.

"That's great, thank you." Aleah smiles.

"Alright the people who will do your pampering will be here in 2, make yourself comfortable." The lady smiles.

"Okay." We all say in unison.

We all sit in our chairs that lean back and wait.

"I'm so excited mom." Aleah smiles at my mom.

"Same here." My mom agrees.

"Hello! I'm Karen." The tall young girl says. She looks really young, why would she be working here?

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