Chapter 40

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I should go.

It's around 5 right now and I don't know what I should be doing.

Part of me is saying to talk to my mom about what Harry asked but she's too involved with us. Or she was.

"Mom, I love you." I say to her.

"Oh honey I love you too." She smiles and wraps her log arms around me.

"Has anything like this ever happened to you?" I ask.

"Like what? This situation? No. The only bad thing that's ever happened to me was losing your father.

He was a great man." She says calmly.

My father died a week after I was born. He died from a severe heart attack.

My mom didn't know how he could get a heart attack, but she was devastated so I heard.

They were madly in love. I'm the only thing she has from him.

The sad thing is, she's never dated anyone since he passed.

"Why did you not remarry or anything?" I say out if curiosity.

"I didn't need a significant other in my life. I have you." She says.

Those words literally make my heart beat even faster.

"That's so sweet." I say burying my face in to her neck.

"Well it's true. Why would I find somebody else to love?" She says holding my shoulders.

"I don't know. I just thought a nice and attractive woman like you would have a husband or a lover." I say sort of laughing.

"Oh please." She says touching her hair.

"Stella I'm gonna go to lunch with my friend. Will you be fine here alone?"

Well I do want to be alone, but I enjoy her company.

"No I'll be okay." I lie.

"Alright, see you later!" She says putting her huge pearl earrings on.

"Bye mom." I say closing the front door.

She goes to her Mercedes Benz and leaves without any more words.

What the hell do I do now?

I could call Aleah but I would rather see her in person.

I just sit in the living room and do nothing. I wish I had a job.


"Hey man I ran into that girl Stella." Rick says.

Stella. I haven't seen her in a whole week.

"Oh really?" I say stacking records.

"Yeah, she looks unhappy. Do you guys still talk?" He says pointing the scan gun around like a fucking kid.

"No. We don't." I say.

"I wish we did."

"Aw man don't tell me you love the girl? She doesn't want you I can see it in her eyes." He obnoxiously says.

"Hey shut up! Since when do you know what she wants huh! You didn't live with her! You didn't see shit!" I angrily say.

I should've kept my mouth shut but I can't.

"Dude chill. I was just fucking with you." Rick says picking up the records I just threw on the floor.

"I'm sorry. It's just she makes me crazy. I love her. I tried to tell her that I do but she didn't say anything." I confess.

"Well she might need time. She just lost a baby." He says.

"So did I." I add in.

"Well, I got an idea if you want to know." Rick says.

"What idea?" I ask curiously.


It's getting late as usual. 7 o'clock and my mom is actually having fun?


I'm pretty hungry so I put on my coat and jump in my car to her some quick food.

I come home and my mom is already there.

"Have fun?" I ask locking the front door.

"Yes I did." She smiles looking at the floor.

"Mom are you'd seeing anyone?" I say raising my pitch.

"Stella, no." She lies.

"I can tell. Your never this happy. Stop acting like a teenager sneaking around their parents." I giggle.

"Okay fine. His name is Joseph." She spits out.

"I knew it!" I say putting my food on the table.

"We've only been seeing each other for a few months." She says.

"A few months?" I say accent my spitting on the table.

"Yes, it's nothing big." She says walking in her room.

"I'm not done talking to you!" I from the kitchen.

"Oh stop it. Ill talk to you about him later, relax." She says.

"How could you not tell me mom?" I say putting my right hand on my chest.

I love being sarcastic with her, she so damn serious.

"I didn't think of us as anything!" She says.

"Okay! I'm going to bed. Night!" I say slamming her room door shut.

She hates me.

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