Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first fanfic hope you enjoy! :)

"I'm leaving mom!" I yell at her.

"Okay... be careful." She says under her breath.

"I will, see you probably tomorrow. Taylor might let me stay the night." I calmly say to her.

"Okay, have fun." she mutters.

"Bye!" I say exiting our huge house.

I get into my small shiny car and start it to leave.

I'm Stella Marie Chaplin. My life is pretty complicated.
It's not like those simple ones you hear in movies.
I'm 5'5 and I have blue-green droopy eyes.
My hairs naturally dirty blonde that reaches the center of my back.

My birthdays December 19 and Im turning 19.

I just finished my senior year in high school and right now I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
It's fall going into winter and I should be in college right now but I'm not.
I guess this is what most graduates think right?

When I get to Central Park, Taylor's standing waiting for me.

"Taylor!" I scream in excitement.
We've been best friends since like middle school.

"Hey Stel!" She smiles.

"You look amazing!" I say and hug her.

"Aw stop it, You do too!" She smiles again.

I'm wearing a baby pink dress that's loose and it keeps my chest warm.
I paired white wedges to match my clutch.
My dirty blonde hair is beach waves and I coated my lashes with mascara; They're super long. I'm also wearing perfume and sheer pink gloss.

"Where are your friends?" I question.

"Oh, Liam's friends are coming instead. " She looks down.

"Oh okay, well do you want to start looking around?" I ask.
I've lived in New York for my whole life basically. Born and raised.
We haven't really explored New York and it's fun to look around more since I'm legally an adult.

"Sure!" She yells and cutting off her answer.

"Taylor!" he yells back.
He approaches us with a long gray coat and he has dark jeans with a v neck.

They're dating, and they haven't seen each other in a few days. He's so good to her, so I hear.

"You both look beautiful." Liam smiles.

"Thanks!" Me and Taylor say in unison.

Liam grasps Taylor's hand. Oh how I wish I had that. They seem like a really nice couple. I can't remember when they weren't together. They started dating freshman year and ever since then they've pretty much been inseparable.

"So Liam, your friends. They need to hurry so we can go to the club already!" Taylor whines.

"They will, they just saw this truck that was selling food and they're 'starving' supposedly." Liam states.

"And you didn't get any?" Taylor asks.

"No. I couldn't wait another minute without seeing you." He grins.

"Oh shut up." Taylor giggles.

"So are you guys sure they'll let me in?" I squeal.

"Of course, today they let underaged people in, they just don't sell alcohol. Kind of like a, uh, dance party." Liam laughs.

Gosh I can't help but adore him. He's too sweet.

"Okay." I shrug.

"It's getting cold out, you sure you don't want to leave without them?" Taylor whines again.

"Yeah it is getting chilly, I didn't dress for outside." I complain. I should've brought a sweater.

"They'll-" Liam gets cut off.

"Here's a sweater love." A boy says softly coming right behind me.

My heart starts to race because he came out if nowhere.

I turn my head only to see a really attractive boy with curly shaggy hair swept to his right side. My legs begin to tremble only because it's cold.

"I-uh" I mumble.

"That's Harry Stel." Liam rolls his eyes.

I look at him up and down and can tell he's probably a ladies man.

He has on a black long coat that he has his hands in.

I can see that he's wearing a see through shirt under the coat which makes me look at the tattoos under it.

I over analyze him.

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