Author's note: Dont read

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now that I have your attention..Sorry, i havent updated for ages. Skip this part if you dont want to read nonesense things. I just dont know how to tell people so I just wrote it down.Stop, okay?It doesnt concern you really. Just read the bold letters.Like this. 

I just have some few things running on my mind. I just thought about something.  

I'm really really sick and tired of living up to everyones expectation.  Then, I realized that the problem was on me. The problem was, I was LIVING them. I should stop thinking what they should think, I should not care, But I do, and it sucks. 


Okay back to business. I was thinking that I should make some more improvements on the story. I dont know what to improve because you guys dont leave a freaking comment!! okay calm down. 

So I analyzed and read this story again and again. I saw things that I should edit or delete. What I noticed about my lame fan fics is..

** It has too many POV's.----it confuses readers and it repeats the scene over and over again. Am i right?

**I don't detail too much--- details help the readers have a vivid image in their head. So I'm gonna do this. I just hope it doesnt sound lame.

** How old are my readers. If I  have one left. I just dont know how to write this. I use very offensive words here that may not suit you and you may dislike it.

** I update late---sorry about this. I'm having second thoughts if I should continue this fanfic. I dont know but... there's something wrong with this. I just feel like I made Louis's character wrong. But I bet I got harry right. Jk. And ELENI.......she is un expected so many mood changes and it can/will confuse you but that's how she is. She might be sad and feels lonely at a chapter then she may gone wild on th other, she is different okay? no stereotyping.

And should I continue this? I just dont know. 

and if so....whose vote are you?

ELENI + Harry = Elerry

ELENI + Louis = Elouis

or other names. sorry it sucks. Im just not so sure.....

I'm feeling a little different guys. I feel like there's something wrong with my actions lately. I do things I don't usually do. I say things I dont usually say and I think stuffs that I thought isnt important thinking about. I dont know. 

everytime I think of some other things I end up with the conclusion.... What happened to my life?. Sigh...


I'm writing down stupid things now which is not me, because I usually just kept this to myself and UGH. nevermind. I'm being too emotional. Emotions.... it didnt affect me this much before. UGH. Are you still readind this? Maybe just teenage hormones...yeah.teenage hormones.

Ummmmmm. Sorry for taking too much of your time. Just comment if I should continue this. Thanks......

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