Chapter 1: How I am different to the others

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Today was a cloudy day, it seems it's about to rain. As I walk my way to my classroom, I saw a bunch of people looking at the bulletin board, and saw some girls screaming their lungs out, I don't know why, and I didn't bother to look because I don't want people stare at me like I'm some freak (like they always did). I found my classroom empty, only my professor were there.

"umm,.. hi. Where did all the people go?" I asked. head-down (like always). I can never talk to people looking at them eye to eye, probably because I was, and always, shy. That's why I don't have "FRIENDS" even saying the word makes me feel uncomfortable.

"They're outside, too busy about the news" he said. "Oh, ok then" (still head-down) **Note that when I talk to people, walk and do something I do it with my head down, ok. So that i will not repeat saying head-down, ok. ? **

I took my seat at the back ( which I intend to be, like always). And it was so silent. My professor stood up and looked at his wristwatch and said " I'll be back in a minute, I"ll call them up" I nodded and he left. I can hear his footsteps as he walk away until I cannot hear any anymore. It was so....peaceful. I am alone, again, as always, and forever.....I think? By the way, my name is Eleni, I am 17 years old, I am not tall , but i am not that short too. More like average height. I'm ugly.... I think? I have black eyes, short black hair that's just about above my shoulders,a bangs that cover my eyes and I'm wearing a long sleeves shirt and a greyish skirt that runs just as where my knees are.

After a few minutes, lost in thoughts, my professor came back with my other classmates. And the silence broke, and loud chit chats are everywhere. "Allright settle down people, settle down"my prof said trying to quiet up the room. People everywhere started to take their seat, almost every seat was occupied exept the seat next to me, obviously no one wants to even sit next to me. (deep sigh)

"Did anyone did the reading last night" my prof asked, almost half raised their hands including me. "Do you think that the main character's action were brave?" she tried to pick a volunteer, which is not  really me. He looked sideways and then the unexpected.....

"Eleni,.... would you tell us about what's your insights about the story?" he said.

Well, ofcourse I was in shock, I mean, who wouldn't?. I stood up, looking on the floor and said.....

"I..I...Ummm" I was stuttering the words, "come on don't be shy, all answers are right"he said trying to encourage me.

"I...I don't think so...the character wasn't brave at all." I said trying not to look at peoples faces. But I could already say that they were disagreeing with me. I heard a boy say " ohh look, the freak talks!" I heard everyone laughing. 

"shussssshhh" my prof said, "it's really a very different insight don't you think?,  now Eleni, can you tell me why you think the hero wasn't brave?" 

"I...ummmm.... well, first he has nothing to lose. He's not risking anything, he's putting nothing that is any value to him on line. Bravery involves risk of some sort and overcoming that risk. He risks nothing how can he be called brave?" I said, without that much stuttering (which is awkward with me)

" Well, he did risk his life" my prof said trying to defend his argument.

"Well, sir, he did not risk his life. He was going to die anyway. The villain was chasing him because he was jealous of him. Only by facing the villain was the only chance for survival. It's not bravery it's called desperation and lack of option". I explained still head-down. I can tell the whole class was very attentive listening to my explanation, which is bad, because I know they'll make fun of me after this.

"But the book clearly states, "he goes into battle without fear". Well, without fear that means he's brave"  He said with an evil grin in his face which is saying like hahahaha admit your defeat coz in this battle i won, now, try to defend your answer miss Eleni, or you shall face a life of shame! 

Or I was just over-thinking his facial exprssion. Well, I pushed myself to this argument, might as well use all my self-conidence and guts to finish of this battle I've started...I think?


I was thinking for an answer, and an evil grin on my face also appeared which can't be noticed because I was looking on the floor and my long bangs.

(deep breath, here goes nothing) . "It's not brave to be without fear, it's STUPID! Only a fool is without fear especially in those kind of circumstances.That point was made clear enough,professor, if you would remember the book where we read it in Aristotle's Ethics, Book 2. "whatever , a brave person is one who is afraid and goes ahead anyway". It's like courage doesn't always ROAR,.... sometimes, courage is the quiet voice inside that says you can do it. " I answered which finished the conversation.

then silence filled the room. everybody was staring at me. even my professor. He was thinking of another answer to what I have just said.He was confused I could tell. It's about 3 minutes of silence which seemed forever. And the school bell rang. I was thinking he was saved by the bell. 

(this is my first story guys,umm.... sorry if it's not that great..but I hope ya like it. I'll try my best to finish this thing)

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