Chapter 2: The NEWS

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After a very intense and embarassing argument with my professor, I'm pretty, ummm, GLAD, to get out of the room and eat lunch. 

* Inside the cafeteria**

Everybody was talking with each other, and, they're not making fun of me. Wow, this is new. Usually, before I can set foot to the cafeteria, I would end up seeing myself  soaking wet with juice and food all over me, or has lots of notes in my back saying "kick me 'coz I'm a freak". I think there's something occupying their mind, what could it be? something better I guess, than making fun of me.Wait, as I could remember, there were girls screaming near the bulletin board, and what's the NEWS my prof was saying? I think I better check it out.

As I was walking in the hallway it was almost empty, probably because its getting dark. But there are still some people looking at the bulletin board. But not as much people last morning. I tried to butt in the small crowd of people and saw.....


As we all know we are about to celebrate our special christmas party. And our school thought of a wonderful idea to invite the famous boy band ONE DIRECTION! Isn't that great! But still, students should attend their class first. So I hope everyone to see you tomorrow with your best looks after class. 

And there was a big picture of them. Yes, I recognize them. But I'm not a fan, but I'm not a directionator either, if that's what they call it. 

It's getting late, so I should go HOME. Ugh. 


I swung the door open to see the house tidy and clean.  And I should mention that I had an older brother whose probably at work and a younger sister. I don't really feel comfortable mentioning , umm,my FAMILY to you or to anyone else. I think maybe because it was part of the past....

I went to my room and took a sleep. 

Why does I feel like tomorrow is going to be a different day?

when a loner met one direction (one direction fan fiction) (ONHOLD)Where stories live. Discover now