13.) Spiritual Ascend

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This one's dedicated to xxredmariexx for all the FUN we had when we were talking about VOLDEMORT...heheheh ;)



Chapter thirteen:

We filed in the tent and saw the girl pressed up against the headrest, eyeing all of us with wary eyes. It was clear she didn't trust us. We couldn't blame her though, she was just recently harmed.

She had new clothes on; a simple white night gown. Her wounds were all healed except the biggest on left a faint pink scar. I knew it be forever printed on her skin; a reminder of what she had gone through.

"What's your name?" Faye asked kindly.

"Heather, Heather Fields. Who are you?" She asked after a few minutes of staring at each other.

"We are the Spirits and this," Megan said. She then gestured to Tori, Elaine, Julie, Sophie and I. "Are our warriors."

"Huh?" Heather gave us all a puzzled expression and she had a small part of her mind that we were weird. I had to suppress the smirk that was threatening to show on my lips. I was just like that last week. So clueless about the world.

"Well, to sum it all up...we're the flesh and blood of all the emotions or ideas in the world. We exist to maintain the peace here in Riverdale and to fight the Evil Ones."

Then the first thing we expected when it came to handling a newbie happened. Heather Fields laughed. She laughed at us like we were thoroughly crazy. But it sounded kind of forced.

"There are no such things as 'Spirits'," She air quoted the word. "Those stuff aren't real. There are no legends about them nor mythical stories of heroism in any of the books I read. And I have never come across these 'Spirits' in all my years. You guys are just a bunch of loonies seeking attention."

We all had a smirk on because what Elaine said next proved that Heather was wrong. "Then how do you explain us, if we're 'just a bunch of loonies seeking attention'?" She repeated the girl's words with twice as much sarcasm.

"Well, you guys all look like a bunch of lunatics seeing as we're in the middle of nowhere. I mean, come on! How could people not be called crazy when you see them here, in a forest, far from civilization?!" She clamped her hands on her mouth like she just blurted out something that wasn't meant to be said with her eyes wide open.

Wait...how did she know that she's in the forest when she was never out of this tent and when she did appear here in the clearing, she was passed out cold. So...the only possible explanation for her appearing with a bright light and the knowledge that she's in a forest would be...if she was...different.

"How did you know you we were in a forest?" Tori stepped forward, her eyes boring into Heather's.

"Prove to me first that you guys are for real."

The Spirits sighed and floated higher, above the bed until they like ten inches or so off the ground. They flew around for a few minutes and they tested a few of their abilities on her.

In the end, we received this response. "Okay okay okay. You've convinced me. You're for real!"

"Now, how do you know you were in a forest?" Tori pressed.

"It's better if I show you," Heather said mysteriously. Although we convinced her there were creatures like us-duh-that didn't stop me from being a little bit skeptical and cautious about that girl named Heather. "Come here, redhead."

Spiritual Ascend (Book 1 of the Spirit Trilogy) [ON HOLD...SORRY!!]Where stories live. Discover now