who...am i?

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Melanie's P.O.V

Kamilla was in the hospital for a long time. Mason was always drunk. He even showed up to school drunk. We were never around when she was awake, because the doctors said it'd overwhelm her. One thing that shocked me was the fatal leg injury she had. Her leg had gotten crushed and it'd take her a long time to be able to walk again.

Mason stopped coming to school after he heard that. Good. The sneaky bastard deserved it. Dominique kept trying to talk to Shanel and I on the bus, but Shanel wouldn't listen and I instantly would get upset. Then she'd do that thing where she would cry, and say it wasn't her fault, but everyone knew it was.

When we got to school, it was like the atmosphere had died. Everyone was always sad. Kamilla was very well liked. She was slowly recovering though, so that helped. People made cards for her and gave them to me, Kameron and Shanel. It just made me feel worse. I had been friends with her all my life. We'd grown up with each other, and I wasn't even around when she got in an accident.
My emotions started to overwhelm me, and I felt the sudden urge to snap someone's neck. Edward told me about this. He told me that my emotions would be hard to cope with, but I needed to just calm myself and breathe. I ran to the bathroom, and splashed some water on my face. When I looked up, black veins were under my eyes.
Kamilla's POV: after a few weeks.
When I was out of my full body cast, I was shocked to see that my leg was twisted the wrong way. I didn't feel it, and it was weird. I didn't remember anything. Who I was. Where I was. Why this happened...? I remember the doctors telling me that I could see my family again.
They all flooded into the room, calling me by a name I didn't know. A lady with an extremely high voice and a curly black afro approached me and held my face. She was sobbing and smiling. Two tall boys and a darker man smiled, standing aside. I didn't get what was going on here.
After they left, and talked to me for what seemed like hours, a few people came in. I played along, not showing any confusion.

A tall boy with curly black hair, dark brown eyes and the perfect cheekbones entered. He was obviously drunk, he looked tired, and worn out, but when he saw me, he burst into tears. A tall girl with dreads, heavy, winged eyeliner, freckles and a windbreaker and a baseball cap walked in after him. The tall boy ran to my bedside, taking my hand and putting his head down. The girl rolled her eyes at him, and smiled warmly.

"I'm...so...s-sorry Kamilla.." The the boy sobbed. "I love you...so much! I'll never speak to Dominique again." his British accent caught me off guard and I looked at him sadly.

"It's okay! You don't have to cry, dude! I'm sure this wasn't your fault. I don't know who Dominique is either, but it'll be okay!"

He started to cry harder.


"Mason, she doesn't remember you. Give her some space." the girl told him.

He looked at me with the most hurt expression, and dropped my hand, standing back. His cologne smelt so good. I just didn't want him to go. I wondered if he was my boyfriend, and then I remembered. My parents would never let me have a boyfriend. A white boy came in, dressed in a bunch of expensive clothes. His brown hair was tied back in a ponytail. He stood next to the windbreaker girl.

"I'll just tell you who everyone is, and who they are to you." she said, and I nodded.


My parents took me home. I had to use forearm crutches to help me walk, and my leg? It didn't even work. It was basically useless. My twin brother Kameron helped me up the stairs into a mint green room. I stared at it in awe, hobbling over to my bed, and looking at Kam. He lifted me up there with a smile.

"Thanks." I smiled warmly at him.

"Mhm." he sat on my floor, and took out his phone.

"Do I have a phone?" I asked him, and he laughed.

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