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(that is officially my favorite gif of harry styles and im not even a 1D fan)

"There's stuff going on." I started off slow and easy.

Mason took a long pause.

"Yeah...? What kind of stuff?"

"Y'know how there are vampires on that show we watched? With the werewolf boy?"


I didn't want to say it. I was gonna start to sound like Mel. All this fantasy crap, and weird situations hadn't been happening until he popped up anyway.


This fantasy crap hadn't been happening until he popped up.

Now it was ruining our trip.

"Mason. If I was hiding something, and you asked me about it, I'd tell you." I started. "You'd do the same right?"

"Yeah?" he sounded confused.

"Alright." I took a pause and inhaled. "What do you know about random green eyed British boys that sweep stubborn black girls off of their feet?"

On the other line, I heard a snort, and then a chuckle. Then he started laughing. A frown made it's way onto my face, and my arms crossed. Now he was just cracking up. I hadn't said anything funny, last I checked, so...what was funny? Was I just overreacting? Or am I crazy? I was hit by a sudden realization, and once it came out, there was no going back. All those seasons of TVD had paid off.

"I get it. I totally get it. You're a werewolf. That guy was a vampire. This is why the fork burned you, and you got mad at Kris for talking about werewolves, and you caught the milk and-"

"Kamilla, that's rubbish. How could I-"

"Don't cut me off. I had one last thing. The date. You stood me up on a full moon."

Mason got dead silent on the other line. I'd love to hear his excuse for that? There was no excuse. He was a werewolf, and Mel had been right this whole time. I felt bad for telling her she was stupid, and not listening to her. Now she was out there with some vampire, and-

Oh my God.

I hung up and ran out of the bathroom. There was no way I was gonna have a Vicki Donovan for a best friend. I told everyone that we had to find Melanie. After a long time, we reluctantly set out to find her.


Mel P.O.V

It was like I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't say no to him. Whatever he wanted from me, he got it. We were behind the park, and he was kissing me, a little roughly if I might add. I wanted to say stop, and go back to find Kamilla, but as hard as I tried, my body wouldn't let me say no. He started kissing my neck, and internally I winced. It wasn't until I felt something sharp, that I cried out.

"Stop! Stop!" I tried, trying to push him off.

Dizziness started to overcome me, and my eyes started to close. But I refused to go down without a fight. He was literally drinking my blood. I wished Kamilla listened to me. Now Mason is probably going to eat her or something, like he's eating me. I pushed him again and he didn't even budge. My hands curled into fists and started hitting him. The boy pulled away from me, and lifted me up.

"Stop screaming...look, I'm sorry, okay?! We'll fix you-I'll fix you."

The last thing I felt was confusion, before I blacked out.


I woke up on a soft, warm bed, somebody was tapping me. My neck ached like crazy, and my head felt like it weighed 1,000 pounds. I winced and opened my eyes. I saw a silhouette with a head full of crazy curls staring down at me. I moved back, and started yelling again. He sighed and shushed me. I didn't want to be here. I had no clue where I was, or who he was, or what was happening. I wanted to be back with my best friends and going down some huge slide. I wanted to run.

"Well you aren't going to, love." he said.

My eyes widened.

"Who are you? Where are we? What are you going to do to me?" it all came out as one sentence.

"My name is Edward." a vampire named Edward? "Shush, not like Twilight. This isn't Twilight." Was he- "Yes. I'm reading your mind, you think very loudly." He smiled in amusement, before starting to speak again "We are at my house, but I need you to drink from me, before I tell you anything else."

My eyes widened and I shook my head.

"Do you want to die?"

"I'd rather die than be like you. I can't go around killing people!"

"But you'd rather see all your friends mourn, and your family? What about the fact that you died single? No Rufus King? Band? What about Tea Time with Kamilla and Shanel?" Edward bent down and looked at me with serious eyes.

I shut my eyes tight, frowning.

"How'd you-?"

"You talk in your sleep." He snorted, tapping his foot and looking away.

"You aren't gonna use that mind-compulsion shit on me again."

"I won't. I promise. Please trust me." I slowly opened my eyes "I was hungry, and low on energy..." he covered his face, and sighed.

"I don't like it either. I don't want to kill people. I don't wanna to destroy things, and cause pain. But I don't want to die. I have an older sister...Anne.." Edward pulled his hair back.

"I have an older sister too...and a little brother."

Edward blinked a little, and held out his arm. I raised an eyebrow, and he nodded at me. I didn't want to do this, at all. It was like the fate of everyone else was weighing on me. I gently took his arm, and bit into it. Suddenly, it was like I could hear and see everything around me. Everything was moving fast, and I didn't notice that I was drinking a lot of his blood. It was so good, and it tasted like everything I'd ever dreamed of. My neck didn't hurt anymore and my head felt way lighter. I nearly screamed when he pulled his arm away.

"You're gonna suck me dry." Edward laughed, as I wiped my mouth.

I felt my face get hot, and I shook my head. I could hear every single thing going on.

"It's going to be like that until you get used to it..." he smiled at me from across the room.

Edward was sitting down in a chair, holding his head in his hand. Now that he was close to the window I could see that he was wearing multiple rings, and a watch. He had this dreamy look in his eyes, and I shook my head. I'm not falling in love with the person who made me a monster. Read that, Mr. Styles. I...refuse.


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