Chapter 11: What...

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  Four Months later....

Bumblebee is pacing back and fourth down the Hallway. Auto had ran into labor half an hour into a decepticon fight. Her stomach had became so large and gigantic you could barely know she once had a mimmimal tummy like a human. Ratchet's guesss is the sparking process.


      "Bee, she's gonna be okay."" Raff said to the mute, holding his portable laptop.


   The pacing mute leaned forward to the humans direction.


cc lick Click Click

Raf shrugged.

    "Dads have those kinds of worrys.when the baby is going to be delivered." Raf reasoned to the gigantic robot.


      Miko came dashing through the hallway.


     "Oh my--" The Girl shrieked. "Those things look like CAR HERBIE SPAWN RATHER THAN BABIES!"


     Raff and Bumblee, including Jack who just walked in, repeated 'They?"


      "My mind is ruined forever." Miko said,over-dramatically falling over.

 Bumblebee's gaze switched to Raf.

"Herbie is a Volkswagon Beetle with a mind of it's own and simply halirious."Raf told him and laughed. "They must be sharing a resemblence to Chevrollets prior form back in the car making day. Or have Jet--"

The Mute bot zipped to the med bay.

   "Nice one, Dork." Jack said, with a huge laugh. "Never knew you had this kind of teasing in you."

 Raf shyly smiled, keeping hands behind his back. Our scene transfers to Bumblebee skidig into the med bay. Colliding into several boxes stacked up to the cieling. His head emerged from a box which he had ripped through from his eagerness to see the sparklings.    

 "You  are lucky." Arcee said towards the yellow and black mute.

Waaah Waahhhh!

Bumblebee stood up on both legs and came over to Auto. She held three little bundles of one blue and two pinks. She had one male and two girls to be certain. Blue goes for boys. Pink goes for girls. However one of the sparklings isn't crying. At all. The noncryer is a small black and brown Volksagon Beetle mech. The two who ARE crying, are...Cybertronian and a human baby like Protoform. The Cybetronian one is a femme with fox-like armor qualities for her sadan vehicle form.


      Click Click.


      Bumblebee walked over to his mates side.

    "Pistol's got your cuteness." Auto said, directly to Bumblebee as she refered to the silent one.

 Bumblebee drew his digit towards Pistols face. He looks so adorable.  The newly made Dad thought. Pistol grasped the taller mechs finger  and did not let go.

"Aww." Bumblebee chirps. "He's strong."


   Bumblebee passed his gaze to the fox like Sparkling.

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