Chapter 9: A meeting and bond.

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Autodroid arrived to the Spings which started this all.She held a rearview mirror that used to be part of Bumblebee when she accidently broke it on the way to a infamous concert belonging to 'The Steel Wagon'. The girl looks to the rearview mirror. I hope you are doing alright Bee. She saw Knock Out's face appear in the mirror. The girl steadily turned around towards the daunting mech's direction like there was no way outta there.

 "Let me reset you." Knock Out offers  taking out his gigantic servo. "And take you home."
   Auto growled.
 "I have a home...with the bots." Auto said. "I have somebody to love."
 Knock Out sighs, rubbing the top where the bridge of a nose should be.
 "You are not in love." Knock Out said "You are just functioning under the system that Megatron had placed you in with the Dark energon piece. I was there when all the programs, systems, and commands were put in place!"

  "Then why am I arguring with you?"  Auto folds her arms.

 "Hormones." Knock Out said.

Auto's face turns red.

"No." Auto said,clenching her hands into fists. "I have a spark, idiot!"

Knock Out rolls his optics looking at the sky for a second.

"You were programmed to fall in love with the first Autobot you saw." Knock Out said, with a grimace. His body language is saying he's not enjoying this conversation. "It was a mistake to follow Bumblebee;Auto,Megatron made you to infiltrate the Autobots and crumble them as a team."

"Mistake?" Auto repeats, tapping her foot on the floor. "A mistake, you say?"

"Yes." Knock Out said.  "What's on your mind about--"

Ivy sends a battle spear  into Knock Out's arm.

"You are not supposed to do that." Knock Out yanks the weapon out of his arm. We see blue trails of energon blood trickle out. "Seems like all the weapons just enjoy hitting this wound."He drops the battle spear on the floor with a clud following it. "Don't mess with my paintjob."

"Don't say I am a mistake." Auto snarks back, as Knock Out applies a product to prevent the wound from bleeding more.

Knock Out cups his face into his servos.

"Obey his orders," Knock Out puts his servo down. "Or there will be dangerous consequences.I have to bring you home."
 Auto's  eyes became watery like
 "You know nothing about love!" Auto cries, as tears fall from her cheek. "I love that mute.He is the most important person in my life.  I have known him for two weeks." Knock Out  made a comment 'two weeks is not really long'. "I've brought the best in for him. I am not returning home; Knock Out."

Knock Out rolls his optics making a comment about 'not knowing about love' like a teenager doing the same to a parent lecturing them.

 "I know I may be forced to return someday..." Auto plays with her feet, wiping of her tears. "Bee and I have been thinking about mating for a while." Knock Out folds his arms glaring down towards Auto making a 'seriously?' kind of look. "Spark bonding or Spark mating however you define it, I love him, He loves me, that is all that matters for me."     

Knock Out looks down towards Auto with pity on his faceplate.

 "Fine." Knock Out said. "But do not expect for this kind of mercy from me, next time."

Auto sighs, with relief.

"I'll count on that." Auto complies.

 Is she being sarcastic with me?, Knock Out questions himself more than anything. He saw a glint of what could be a bit of Megatron in her eyes and the way Auto is somewhat persuading Knock Out to not take her home.

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