Chapter 2: Downfalling plan

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   Bumblebee arrived to the spring. OOooh. what a good place to have left everything at. The youngling thought to himself, driving to the spring behind the former base with the bronze Autobot imprint.


      A year has gone by...and we've got a new base.


      Bumblebee sunk his body into the warm water.


      Prime lived. We found new factions such as Predacons and Maximals.

Purrrrr, Bumblebee made as he popped a bubble. Nobody was there. Just him. Bee unearthed his blaster from beneath the water and reattached it. Bumblebee gazed to the sky. There are countless stories of how humans get their own girlfriends...I wonder how I will meet mine.


      Clang clang clang


     Bumblebee dived into the pool.  Jeez Knock Out. Did you hit  a skunk or something?


    Knockout has a terrible stench.


      "This is the New Autobot base?" The mech said, looking to several directions. He smelled his armpit. Then made a grimace on his faceplate. "Ewww. What did I hit?"


     He started walking towards the pool in hopes of washing the stench off.  Click Click went the figure in his grasp.

"Owch!" Knock Out yelped as he dropped the android that had bit his hand aggressively.      

 The Android has a extra shell of the Human Body, however, the Androids appearance somewhat resembles the machines from 'I,robot' as parts of the original mold is sticking out from the shoulders and knee area.


  Knock Out growled.

"Stop insulting my paint job."  Knock Out said,starting to activate his laser blasters at the clicking Android.

    Bumblebee leaped out the water once he had heard clicks.   

 CLICK CLICK! Went the Autobot  as he shot his laser blaster at the red and dark black Decepticon.  Knockout used his Battlespear to protect himself and reflected the laser blasts to other directions.Great. this brat is more prepared to fight!  He mused to himself.


      The Decepticon staggered back onto the floor.

         swing swing    

      "What in the world--" Knockout began, when he saw old and nearly broken airplane experimental toys being cut off by the andorid. "no!"

       The little thing looked at him with curious eye expressions. It tugged at the metalic air planes as if it was doing something good.

     "No!" Knock Out reaches his arm out.


   The Decepticon began to retreat while forgetting  about the android around absolutely positvely chaos. His paint job is really ruined, showing all the blue smears and gray color in the mix of it all. Knock Out's crings, seeing what had befallen on his precious armor.

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