Chapter 11- "Maybe I'm more of a people person than I thought."

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Since I lived under a rock like Harry said, I decided to be creepy and look Perrie up on google. If millions of fangirls can do it, why can't I? Just seeing her made me nervous. She was absolutely stunning to say the least, but my biggest concern was that she didn't seem very much like me. Her style was girly and bohemian while mine was boyish with a hint of grunge every once in a while. I know they say to never judge a book by it's cover, but it's hard to imagine that this girl isn't anything but posh and girly. I don't know how to be either of those things really. Girly I could maybe fake, but posh, not so much.

I dug through my suitcase that I had yet to empty, that is if I empty it at all, and tried to find something that wasn't too bad for Perrie's taste. All I could come up with was a purposely torn gray pullover with Mickey Mouse imprinted on the front, dark red skinny jeans, black high top converse, and a black beanie on my head. I wore all of my stringy black bracelets but that's as far as jewelry usually ever went.

I laid back on my comfortable king bed and played on my phone for an hour or two to kill time. As I scrolled through it, my finger brushed past my Twitter app, something I hadn't been on since my days of stalking Harry for my very unusual reasons. I decided to open it to reveal that I still only followed two people, a.k.a. Harry and the general One Direction twitter, and was followed by no one. I found myself to be rather embarrassed by this, I literally looked like some Harry stalker when in reality I was his  friend, so I searched some of the other artists I liked and followed them, too. 

After a few minutes of wasting more time on my phone, my hotel phone rang. 


"Ms. Allen? Ms. Edwards is here in the lobby for you." 

"Okay, thank you. Tell her I'll be right down." 

And with that, I hung up the phone and rushed downstairs much quicker than I would for anyone else. I didn't know what this girl was like at all and I really wanted to make a good first impression since I would be spending the whole night with her, so I don't think keeping her waiting would make her very happy. 

As I stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby, I saw the blonde girl immediately. Well, I wasn't sure if you could exactly call her blonde. Her hair had more of a white tint than anything, but it still looked absolutely gorgeous, maybe even better than blonde. Thankfully, I recognized her face and hesitantly walked up to her.


She looked at me with interest, obviously not sure of who I was yet. That's when I remembered that as a celebrity, she has people coming up to her all the time, so I probably just look like any other person.

"Hi, um, I"m Penny." 

Her eyes widened a bit and she smiled. "Oh, hi! It's so nice to meet you!"

She quickly pulled me in for a friendly hug, which surprised me somewhat. Nobody I know ever just hugs the second they meet someone, but she already seemed so bubbly, and that's only after speaking just a sentence to me.

"You, too!" 

"I wish I could say that I've heard a lot about you, but Harry doesn't really talk about his normal friends anymore."

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