Love hurts

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Briar's POV

   It's been a whole week ever since Myles and I broke up, he moved all of his things and I'm guessing he is now living alone in his house or at his grandma's, truth is I miss him terribly but he won't let me explain and he never even answered my phone calls. I have barely eaten anything lately I just lay on my bed thinking about everything we went through together. But why does love hurt so much?

Brittany's POV (extra but essential)

  Thinking:  *Finally I get my own POV, took you long enough* Even though Myles was also my friend, Briar was my BEST friend and I couldn't bare to see her like that, something had to be done. "Briar I'm going to the supermarket do you want anything?" I lied. "Do they sell happiness at the supermarket?" She asked through sobs (yes she has been crying for a long time but the first few days she couldn't even get her tears out, she was jammed...Not quite the opposite) "No.." I replied. "Then no" She answered throwing a pillow in my face. I was so sad for Briar which is why I knew that what I was about to do was for the best.

   "If you're here to talk about Briar then get out!" Myles said as he opened the door to his house, I could tell that he had been crying. "No, I'm not here to talk about Briar, I'm here to talk about you" I said as I entered without permission. "Myles, you're not okay I mean look at you, and look at this place it's a mess! You're the complete opposite of Briar she hasn't even touched food to her mouth for days and I'm surprised you don't look like a whale!" I said as I disgustedly dropped a box of pizza from the couch on to the floor.

Myles' POV (Sorry Brittany your shine time is over)

   "Briar hasn't been eating anything? Not that I care but.." Okay truth is I cared..A lot and it's not okay for Briar not to eat, it's actually really unhealthy (So don't you guys dare not eating to loose weight or anything because it could harm you and I will personally locate you down and shove food in to you personally!!) "Well she has eaten a thing or two but not a proper meal, Myles you have to let her talk to you!" She insisted. "Britt as much as I'm dying to see her and talk to her I just can't, it hurts too much, besides I already have a girlfriend" I replied. "You have a girlfriend?" Brittany asked surprised. "Yeah, I'm back together with Emma" I replied. 

   "Myles are you crazy??!! Emma is a psycho, she tried to kill Briar!!" Brittany shot "She appologised didn't she?" I said. "Yeah but only for the time being, it doesn't mean she's not capable of doing it again, Myles you can't do this to Briar" She said as she stood up and walked in front of me. "Do this to her?! May I remind you she kissed Chad, her ex boyfriend" I said. "Yeah the guy who she broke up with not only because he cheated on her but also because she realized that she was starting to have feelings for you, and may I remind you he kissed her, she waited for you to do something but you just left her there, and don't tell me it's because you trusted her because if I were you I would have pulled her to me and kissed her right in front of that jerk's eyes" She replied. In a way she was right but Briar still should have pulled away. "Well Briar should have at least pulled away" I said. "She did, you ran out too quickly" She replied. "Well she should have slapped him" I replied trying to find points to my advantage. "Myles you're being ridiculous" She shot back at me. 

   "Maybe I am but now I'm dating Emma and I'm leaving tomorrow" I replied. "What do you mean you're leaving tomorrow?" She asked confused. "I already called my parents I'm meeting them in London, I've already talked to Emma and she decided to be best friends forever...with benefits, which I absolutely hate but the girl is a psycho" I replied. "I know she's a psycho you're an idiot for getting back together with her, and where you seriously leaving without telling Briar?" She replied louder then ever. "Like she cares" I replied finally breaking down in to tears. "Brittany do you know how much I love that girl? She's the person I love most in the world and whenever I think of her it pains me, I want to get back together with her, run up to her, hug her, kiss her, tell her how much I love her but I can't because Chad is always going to be after her, so is Emma they will make it impossible, Briar will make it impossible since she always forgives people" I said. "Myles I'm so sorry" Brittany said hugging me. "But she loves you too, she cares about you she hasn't left her room ever since always crying, Myles you called her a mistake to you and to everyone else, if she forgave you for saying that she is worth keeping. Think about it, I'm not letting you leave and break my best friend's heart" Brittany said right before she left my house.

   I do love Briar but I just don't know what to do, it's too late now anyways, I promised my mum I wouldn't change my mind and I just can't face Briar after all she did, I just have to forget about her.

Briar's POV

   "Briar I'm back" Brittany said as I heard her running upstairs to our room. "I'm sure you didn't bring me any ice cream, why didn't you bring me any ice cream? I wanted ice cream!" I yelled breaking down in to tears. "How about a large cookie dough ice cream for my sweet best friend" She said handing me the ice cream. "I said I didn't want anything why did you bring me ice cream?" I replied as I grabbed the ice cream cup and started eating. "Because I know you always like to eat cookie dough ice cream when you're upset and if you wouldn't have wanted it now I'm sure you would have wanted it later" She said sitting besides me. "Thanks you're a great friend" I replied. "Briar listen...I have something to tell you, I kind of saw Myles today and...He told me he was leaving for London" As soon as Brittany said that my heart stopped beating, how could he leave me like this.

   "Okay Brittany that's it! I have to do something to make him stay, Britt please help me" I said as I was about to start crying again. "Okay Bri I have an idea, but you have to do whatever I say or else it won't work okay?" I nodded my head and she told me her idea, it was a long shot but I guess I had nothing to lose if he's leaving anyways, I just hope it works.

N/A: Hey guys how you like the story so far? Myles really has a hard head but do you think Briar will be able to get him back? Sadly only one more chapter left till the end of the Bryles story and my fan fictions, I am writing a teen fiction called looking for my best friend make sure to check it out I just started yesterday and I put a lot of work in to it so I would really like you guys to see it, anyways enjoy the rest of the story bye :)

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