Leave..Or stay?

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Briar's POV

   That night Myles slept over at my house, I was so bummed he was leaving so I made sure it was the best night ever. I don't know how long I will be able to survive without Myles having my back. "I can't believe you're leaving Myles, we are going to miss you" Brittany said hugging him as she heard the news. "I will miss you guys too, especially Briar" he said. "Wow love you too" Brittany said sarcastically. Myles let out a small laugh but I could tell he wasn't in the mood to laugh. After we watch a movie we decided to play truth or dare. Before Brittany could ask me her question I got a text from Chad.

"Hey beautiful"


"I miss you"

"Miss you too"

"Sweet dreams my princess xxx"

"Who was that?" Brittany asked. "It was just Chad wishing a goodnight to his princess. "Aww" she replied. Yeah Chad was sweet but today I just wanted to focus on Myles.

Myles' POV

   Why does Chad have to stick his nose everywhere, just leave Briar alone for just one night. Brittany started by asking Briar a question. "Truth or dare Bri?" "Dare". Brittany let out an evil smirk. "I dare you too...Ask Chad to join us at the sleepover" Brittany said. "No!" I yelled. "Why not?" Briar asked. "Because this is the last night I'm spending with you two I don't want a guy I barely know coming in and ruining it please Bri don't do it!" I said. "I'm sorry Brittany I'm not doing it" she said. "It's fine, Myles truth or dare?" Brittany asked. "Truth, I don't feel like doing something stupid" I said. "Great answer! Who do you have a cursh on?" she asked with a smirk. I look at Briar, I couldn't tell them I had a crush on Briar I'd be humiliated! "Umm... Dorianne Black" I said as I looked at the door and Brittany's checked shirt. "Dorianne Black the old supermarket manager?" Briar said with a laugh. "No....Dorianne Black from ugh....Camp?" I said. Briar couldn't stop laughing, she was really beautiful when she laughed.

   Before we went to sleep Briar sat on her bed and looked at me. "I wish you could stay here with us forever....Wait that's it! I have an amazing idea!" She said. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "You'll find out tomorrow morning" she said as she turned off the lights. "I never want to let you go Briar" I said as she fell asleep.

Briar's POV

   In the morning I woke up really early to prepare breakfast for Brittany and Myles, as I was preparing toast I saw Myles come downstairs. "How come you're up so early?" I asked. "I should ask you the same question" I reply. "I didn't feel like sleeping any longer." He said. "Okay you can help me prepare breakfast but no butter wars today ok?" "Ok" he says laughing. "Listen Myles yesterday I had a great idea" I said "What is it?" He asked. "Why don't you convince your parents to let you stay here with me and Brittany?" I asked. "You spend a lot of your time here anyways" I continued. "Briar it's an amazing idea but my parents will never let me live alone with two girls for the rest of my life" he said. "Can't you at least try?" I asked "Okay I'll try" he replied. At about 9 am Myles and I went to his house, I wanted to talk to his parents about my idea.

Myles' POV

   "N-O spells no!" My mum said. "Come on mum why not!" I shouted. "First of all don't shout, second of all I will not let my son live on his own so far away from us!" Mum replied. "I won't be alone" I said. "No you won't be alone you will be with two girls your age, Briar don't take it personally it's just that you guys are too young to be living alone." She said. "It's okay...I should go" Briar replied as she headed out for the door. "Thanks a lot mum! I don't mean to be disrespectful and you know I love you, but I am not happy about leaving my friends...About leaving Briar, you can make me go but you can't make me be happy about it" I said as I ran after Briar.

   "Briar I'm so sorry" I said as I pulled her in closer to me for a hug. "I don't want you to go" She said crying in to my chest. "I don't want to go either but it'll be okay, we can still chat and stuff and I will come visit" I said trying to convince myself about what I was saying. "It won't be the same Myles, what am I going to do without you!" she said. "You still have Brittany...And that Chad guy" I said. "Yeah but I need YOU" she said crying harder. Seeing Briar cry made my heart break. I wish I could do something but I couldn't. "Briar I have to go pack." I said. "Okay, I'll go home" she replied. 

Briar's POV

   That day I wasn't in the mood to do anything. I texted Chad and told him I was feeling sick and coudn't go on our date, I just couldn't accept the fact that my best friend was leaving forever. The next morning I was even more devastated, in less then 24 hours I was going to be without my best friend. Brittany and I changed quickly and went to the airport where we were supposed to meet Myles. As I saw him I ran up to him and he picked me up and spun me around. "Myles don't leave me alone" I said crying. "Please don't cry baby girl, you're gonna make me cry" As he called me baby girl I felt comforted I hugged him and he held me really tight. He even had started to cry. "Myles" his dad said. "Yeah I know we have to go I'll be right there just give me a minute" he said with tears in his eyes.


   This was it, I was leaving the most important person in my life to me behind, how could I survive that? "Myles, your mother and I came to a conclusion, we want you to stay here with Briar and Brittany" dad said. "Wait what?" I asked. "Son I don't want you to come with us and be unhappy, I would rather have you stay here, but as long as you call us everyday because he doesn;t want to tell you but your brother is going to miss you a lot" my dad said. "No I won't" my brother said as he came in to hug me. "I'll miss you bro, but not that much." he said. I could tell he was lying. My mum was even cry and I felt horrible. "mum I'm really sorry for what I said yesterday, I love you thank you so much" I said hugging her. "If you need anything your grandma said that she could take care of you whenever you needed, just promise you'll take care of yourself and call me everyday" she said with tears in her eyes. "I promise mum" I said pulling her in for an even tighter hug. "I'll miss you" I said.

   I was sad that my family was leaving but I was happy I could stay here with Briar. "Myles you're staying!" Briar said happily. "I'm staying!" I said excitedly as I picked Briar up and spun her around. As I put her down we were only a few millimeters away, I would have kissed her if it wasn't for Brittany who interrupted us. "Okay so Myles is staying at our place, we better head back because we have a lot to do." she said. Briar and I pulled away from each other, I was so glad I could stay close to Briar.

Briar's POV

   I felt bad for Myles because he was leaving his family but I was glad he was staying here with me...and Brittany of course, I don't know what I would have done without him, he's really special to me and I care about him a lot, with him I always feel safe, when I'm with Myles nothing can hurt me.

bryles- I fell in love with my best friendWhere stories live. Discover now