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Hello! Sorry for the very late update, I've still been very ill and trying to keep up with my schoolwork. Hope this is an okay chapter.

There's a little shower scene, so I'm going to rate it around PG-13. You can skip that part if you would like, (its only a paragraph long, nothing bad) it's towards the end of the chapter.


Mitch POV

Scott has been acting very strange since I woke up. The doctors tell me that Christmas has past, but that seems impossible. It was only yesterday that we arrived here for Christmas, and we were both happy to announce our relationship in front of the family. I think about Landon, my mom and dad, and Scott's family constantly. I think about Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin and how much I miss them. I am alone in a room that the doctors have placed me in by myself, Scott's notebook pressed tightly against my chest. I have been waiting in here for what seems like hours as they told me they were going to run some tests and observe me for some odd reason. I decide to open up the notebook.

August 10th, 1945

Notebook of Harry Steinway

1st Entry:


I understand that you have been ill, and I promise that I will visit you soon enough. After the war, my family has been trying to deal with my father and my brother's death in the navy and it has been very sorrowful. I am in debt to you, please allow me to visit. I know that you do not want to speak with me, but the information I have to tell you concerns your health and well being.

Best wishes,



Hello. I have heard about your condition and I wish you the very best in regaining your health. I was in the hospital this evening but the doctors told me you were unavailable. I will try to see you again tomorrow, please let me speak with you, it is of high importance.

Best wishes,



The doctors say you are permanently unavailable and the condition is getting worse. They say you are losing a lot of the functions in your body that allow you to move and speak. I am terribly sorry. They allowed me to continue to send you letters and assured me that only your eyes would graze over these words. I hope that by some miracle you rise out of this slumber.




I have decided to go out and seek my old friend from war. He served with me and I know he shall help me in the one that is to come. His name is Reginald and his only family was killed by these savages. I promise you that I will be the one to stop this suffering. No longer shall you hurt.




I have fallen ill but I continue the journey to Reginald's place. We shall make a plan to attack. I believe it will be in the depths of the night. We can only hope we will be successful.



Dearest Mary,

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