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As I was writing this part, I was listening to The Tempest by Beethoven, as I had played it once on piano, and it kind of led to this chapter and well..."l'orage".


Scott POV

We walk up to the steps of my home, and I ring the doorbell. I hear faint rustling and my mother appears at the door.

"Hi boys! Come on in," she says, and I let Mitch go in first. He embraces Connie in a tight hug, and they kiss each other on the cheek.

"Come here you," she says to me and I follow suit. She then embraces both of us at the same time and hesitates to let us go. "Ohh, I'm so happy to have both of my kids home. We're going to have a great time! Everyone's here, except your aunt and Landon are coming a bit later. I invited Mike and Nel, Mitch, to join us this evening. Your mom told me they were going to try to make it, but they may or may not because of that nasty snowstorm that's headed our way."

"Storm?" Mitch says.

"Why yes, we've been expecting it all week. Supposed to be a bad one, might have to board up the windows. Where did you guys park? You better move it sooner than later, there's space in the garage for one more. Scott, you okay honey?" My face must be pale. And sweaty.

"Yeah, I'm okay mom!" I reassure her. Mitch looks over, sharing a worried expression.

I need to talk to him later about the whole Tokyo thing. Hope he doesn't freak like I am. But then again, he's very good at hiding his feelings.

"Well okay then. I'm going to start the roast. Why don't you say hello to everyone? They're in the living room. Then, after I would love it if you two could help me set the dining room table. Mitch, I wanted your opinion on which tablecloth I should use. I was thinking maybe just a nice red, green, gold, or just plain white. See how much trouble I'm having?" Connie spoke this very quickly and she sighs heavily. "Well, go on now." She leaves us to go into the kitchen.

She didn't breathe a word about Mitch and I being together. I hope this is okay.

Mitch and I have our promise rings on, and I really really hope everyone in my family is okay with this. I mean, everyone loves us as just friends, maybe I'm overthinking this.

"You ready?" Mitch says.

"Yes." I take his hand, gripping it tightly, and we make our way into my family room.

"Mitch! Scott! Hey!" Alex was here as well!

"Hey! Wow this is such a surprise!" I say, and let go of Mitch's hand to embrace him.

"Yeah! It's been a while!"

"Hey Alex, you look great," Mitch responds, and they hug.

"Thanks! So do you! You guys were absolutely stunning out there last night, I'm so glad my flight got through over here okay. No in or out for probably a week, kinda scary huh? Sadly, a few of my friends that were coming out here were on the flight that got canceled. Even Tyler was coming out to see you guys."

"Hey bitches!" Tyler pops up from behind the far couch and starts walking over.

"Oh that's right, he is here! He only accompanied me the whole flight and wouldn't stop talking about this stupid guy on Tinder." Alex says sarcastically.

"Oh he was hot and you know it! You're just jealous darling. Hey loves, great performance last night. I'm so happy for you guys!" Tyler exclaims.

"Wow, this is wonderful that you're both here guys, I'm so happy! And thank you," I say, blushing a bit.

"Wait hold it, let me see that guy on Tinder," Mitch says, walking towards Tyler. We all laugh.

"Okay hold on! Someone's horny. Scott, I thought you would've taken care of that earlier." If I was drinking something, I would've spit it out everywhere.

"Geez Tyler!"

"Aww sorry, didn't mean to embarrass you honey. See look, isn't he gorgeous?"

"Ooooooh, damn," Mitch growls. I roll my eyes. "But you know, he's not as hot as this other guy. He was really shy at first, but once you got to know him..." Mitch turns to me and pulls my head down dramatically to an open mouthed kiss.

"Ohhh, wow," Tyler says, laughing ecstatically. I can hear Alex obviously taking a snap of us to put on his Snapchat story. He's saying things like 'Awww! How cute' into his phone camera as we kiss deeply. I come up for air, and lean my forehead against Mitch's, savoring the moment. Ever since last night, I haven't gone on any social media in fear of all the fans responses and blowing up the media informing everyone else about us being a couple. Tomorrow's Tuesday, so we should be uploading a video we recorded yesterday before the show explaining us being together, and we kiss in the video at the end. I'm sure there's going to be tons of gifs of us kissing onstage and on the video, so I'm just basically going to go off the grid for a while, at least until Christmas is over. I kiss Mitch's forehead and place my hand on the small of his back as he leans into me, head almost on my shoulder. Tyler and Alex smile at us and we sit down on the couch, catching up for a little while, telling tales of our adventures. I finally decide to be brave and tell about Tokyo happening after telling them both about my dream in Paris and Mitch telling them what actually happened.

"Oh God, do you guys think something actually might happen?" Alex says, worriedly. I look briefly at Mitch and then back to him and Tyler.

"Well, I'm not sure. The fortune telling machine said someone of my blood, someone close, so I assume it's a family member. And with the storm and everything...I'm just going to keep an eye out."

"Wow, that's terrible," Tyler mumbles.

"That's really scary. Hey, don't mean to distract from the subject, but everyone's outside, enjoying the last bit of nice weather before tomorrow. Want to join them? I think your mom is going to have lunch ready soon," Alex says, and we follow him outside to greet everyone.

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