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Merry/Happy/Yay Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Hope you are having a wonderful day!


My eyes flutter open at the thought of opening presents and spending time with my family...with Scott. I can't believe my dreams have come true. I couldn't ask for anything more for the rest of my life, my best friend had become my boyfriend. I began to think of what our first time...together...would be like until I'm almost suffocated by Scott rolling over on top of me. I hit him several times but nothing. I flicked his ear, then attempted at rolling him back off of me. 

"Scotttt," I whine, pushing him over. He grunts and flops completely back over me. 

"Scott, please, you're hurting me." His eyes flutter open and he smiles stupidly at me. He finally realizes that he's crushing me and moves over quickly, taking me with him, me now laying on his chest.

"Sorry, babe." I widen my eyes. 

"What?" He says.



"No Margret, Melanie, Molly, Melissa, Mary, Mother..?"

"Nope, Marisol."





"Salad." I laugh.




"Stupid." Scott gapes at me.

"Idiot," he says, and I laugh at him.

"Slut," I say, pushing him.




"Freaks," I say, hopefully ending that conversation. We could go on like this for hours. I nuzzle further into his chest. "So what're we doing today?"

"Well, I want to take Landon ice skating."

"In this weather?" 

He rises up out of bed, and heads to the window, opening the blinds. I have to cover my eyes, seeing as it is sunny and wonderful outside. He closes them once more and comes back to lay with me. 

"See? Perfect outside."


"You should come along."

"What if it gets bad again?"

"Then I'll take us home."

"I don't know..."


"I think I'm helping with the roast today."

"You're no fun. It would be romantic. And we're back home."

"No, you two go. It's fine."

Scott huffs and gets out of bed.

"Noooooo, come back," I whine, reaching for his hand.

"No. I'm going downstairs."

"Are you mad?"

"No. Determined to make you go with us, not mad." I stand up and he looks down at me, us both still in our boxers. I lean up to kiss him sweetly, my hands grabbing at him. He pulls me into him, savoring the kiss. We both pull away and I lean my head on his chest.


"Merry Christmas!" My mom says as Scott and I come down the stairs together. 

"Merry Christmas, mom," I say, pulling her into a hug and Scott does the same. Then he leaves to greet his sister and other family members while my mom tells me all about her and my dads first honeymoon. 

"It really was wonderful, honey. Now are you going to help us ladies in the kitchen cook today? I can hear Scott saying something about ice skating over there. It's fine if you want to go with him, we have just enough hands to help."

"Well you can add two more hands then. I'm staying here."

"Great! I'll tell Connie." And with that, she disappeared. I headed into the kitchen to start preparing the stock for today, gathering pots and pans that we would need. I see that tthe family had had breakfast without us, remnants of eggs and bacon on about 25 plates. I sigh to myself and begin washing them in the sink and drying them by hand. I would definitely need to moisturize after this. 

I look at the clock in the kitchen and it reads 11:23. I hear laughter and talk all throughout the house and I smile contently while washing the 5th plate in the sink. While I was drying it, I hear Scott come into the kitchen and he wraps his arms around my waist. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear and kisses my neck, slowly. I giggle and when I finish drying the dish I turn around.

"What do you want?" I say.


"Stop. What did Landon say?"

"He's thrilled. He's upstairs getting dressed now. He said, 'Is Mitchie coming?' Just like that. And you know what I said?"


"Yes. So you're coming. With us."

"No, I already told my mom that I'm helping today."

"And I just told her that you aren't."



"Why are you doing this?"

"Because. It'll be fun. You'll see."

Scott kissed my cheek then ran off to get changed.

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