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It had been hours. Waiting and waiting for a sign of someone, anyone. They had finally come, and I was relieved to have been saved. They saved Mitch's life. I had taken Landon's. I haven't heard from my family since Mitch has been checked into the hospital and I don't expect to. They hate me now. So will Mitch.

You're a monster.


Mitch finally had woken up and he fell asleep once again by my side. I am still laying by Mitch's side and I can't focus on anything. All I can think about is Landon laying lifeless in my arms and the mystery of Harry Steinway. I don't think I can go through with this any longer. If I hadn't been so selfish, Landon might've still been alive. If I could, I wish I could take away all the pain both of them had felt and that Mitch is currently feeling.

I decide, after a while, to open up the notebook and continue reading.


I can't go through with this any longer. I'm alone, hurt, and scared. They killed Steven, William and George. I don't know what's going to become of me, and I know you don't want to hear of this, but I truly miss you.

I love you.

I hear a knock at the door and a doctor walks in slowly.

"Hello, Scott, is it?"

"Yes, hi, how are you?"

"I'm great thanks, and yourself?"

"Doing fine. Any news?"

"Well, yes. I just need to check some things with him and his health. You said he woke up two days ago and you gave him food, right?"

"Yes, he said he was starved and he ate healthy foods, then he fell back asleep."

"Okay, and he hasn't woken up since then, correct?"


"Okay. Well the nurse says that he's done with all of his treatment, and he should be healing up nicely. I need to check his wounds, and definitely don't want to cause him any more pain. While we turn him over, he might wake up. Would you mind...comforting him? We want to make sure he doesn't completely freak out." He looked over at me with concerned eyes and pity. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, like myself, but was less muscly and more thin than I am. His face was leaner and his jaw narrower.

"Yes, of course."

"Scott? May I ask you a more personal question?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"You and Mitch are together, right?"

I chuckle. "Yes, we are."

"And you love him?"

"With all my heart."

"Good. That's sweet." He responds, and grabs the chart at Mitch's feet. He scans it over and then presses the red button next to his bed. Two nurses come in and he tells them that they're going to look over Mitch's wounds and clean them if necessary. They walk over to him and are on either side of him, preparing to flip him over.

"Can you come help us Scott? Just stand by me right here." The doctor says and I walk over to his side to help him. "Okay ready? One, two, three," he says, and we lift him up and turn him over. He instantly stirs awake and his eyes open wide at the sudden movement and I see him wincing. He looks over at me, confused but calm when he noticed I was there. I am on his right side, and I hold his hand, rubbing his palm with my thumb gently. He relaxes, but winces as the doctor removes his bandages with scissors and I finally see what damage has been done to him. His right side is the worst, and there aren't many scratches on his left side as it was facing the inside of the car and next to the console. He had some scrapes on his left shoulder, and tremendous stitches on his right shoulder. His right side was very scratched up, many stitches lacing his skin, but there was no blood like there had been before, and most of them were healing. Then the doctor says something that surprises me.

"Mitch, I'm going to remove some of your stitches, alright? This way you'll heal even faster and you'll be able to walk without so much pain. I'm going to have to ask you to think about the best memory or feeling you've ever had and cling onto it tightly, okay? Here we go." He begins removing the first stitch and Mitch whimpers, making my heart break at the sight of a stray tear running down his face. He squeezes my hand tightly and buries his face into the pillow. The doctor begins speaking once more.

"Think about that memory," he says, pulling out another stitch and patching it up tightly with a piece of cloth and tape. "Think about what makes you happiest in the world, think about how much Scott loves you and he's here for you now, by your side. Think of all the memories you've had together and all the ones you'll continue to make together. Think about your career, what you love to do in life, your best childhood memories. Think about that." Mitch relaxes his grip on my hand as the doctor continues removing the stitches. He then moves up to work on Mitch's shoulder, and Mitch doesn't make a sound. When he is finished with that, he begins on his right side, and Mitch's grip once again tightens again. "Think about Scott, Mitch. Think about all that he's done for you, how much he loves and cares for you. Think about your first kiss, date, outing, whatever. When he gave you that promise ring, how he did, think about those memories." Mitch once again relaxed and the doctor actually managed to get all of his stitches out in one go. He finished patching him up and then he started to leave us.

"Hey doc?"

"Yes Scott?"

"What's your name?"

"Steven, Steven Steinway." He says, and my eyes widen at his last name.

"Good day, Scott. Give Mitch my best."

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