A Day With Mitch: pt.1

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"Ready to go, Scott?"

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I respond, looking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror.  I grab the bottle of cologne on the counter and spray it on myself, then exit down the hall to see Mitch by the door, holding his handbag in one hand and Wyatt in the other. He opens the door after noticing me and I follow him outside, down the steps and to my car. Once we get to the car, he throws me the keys from his hand and we go to our respective sides of the car. I open the car door and sit down, shut it, then proceed to fasten my seatbelt and put the keys in ignition. I wait to make sure Mitch is settled, then I place the car into drive and turn on the radio. Mitch changes the station and I hear his favorite producer SOPHIE begin to blast from the speakers. I silently chuckle to myself at how predictable Mitch is, after knowing him all these years.

"Lemonade, luh, luh, luh, lemonade," Mitch and I begin to sing in unison, mimicking her iconic voice style. As the song ends, I pull the car into a stop and wait for the light to change.

"So what's the memo?" I ask Mitch.

"We're going to first stop by Jeremy and Kirstie's place to drop off Wyatt and his food, then the dry cleaners and get a few of my items, then we can shop for about an hour or so, and finally we need to stop by the grocery store and get some dry food items that won't spoil for tomorrow. Anything I forgot?"

"Nope, your highness."

"Great," Mitch looks over at me and I temporarily loose my train of thought in his eyes. "Oh, Scotty, the light's green." I break my trance and focus back onto the road.


After about a 5 minute drive, I pull into Jeremy and Kirstie's driveway. I put the car into park and pull the key out. I am startled by a hand on my arm and look over to be met my Mitch's lips on my own. I am very shocked, but don't hesitate one bit. I lean into his kiss, enjoying every second of warmth he provides me. I think about all the times I've wanted to kiss him, all the times we've gotten close to, and finally, the barrier is broken. As we continue-


I jump and realize that I blanked out and just dreamt of kissing Mitch. My heart sinks immediately and I feel my cheeks redden.

"Oh yeah whoa that was weird, I guess I just blanked out. I'm sorry, let's go inside." I look into Mitch's eyes and see that he is worried, but he doesn't say anything. We both get out of the car and I head to the door first. Once I get up on the step, I ring the bell and look back to see Mitch appear around the corner carrying Wyatt and a small bag of cat food.

"Oh, here, let me grab that," I say and take the bag of food from his hand.

"Thanks, Scottie."

"Hey guys!" Jeremy says as he opens the door for us. "Come on in, we've got some coffee, and Olaf is outside. Kirstie's just in the living room. I'll take that cat food, Scott, I'm headed to the garage anyway and Mitch, you can just set Wyatt down in the house. I've set out some water and I'll fill his bowl in a sec."

"Oh, okay, thank you!" I respond and Mitch smiles and thanks him as well.

We walk inside into their spacious living and dining area strewn upon gorgeous hardwood floors. It smells of coffee and freshly picked flowers. I smile as Kirstie appears into my view. "Hey darling!"

"Scoooottttteeeeerrrrr!!" Kirstie cheers and jumps up into my open arms. I bury my head into her sunny blonde curls and instantly feel better. She lets me go as she sees Mitch behind me.

"Mitchie!!" she shrieks and practically tackles Mitch to the ground. He looses his balance and Wyatt jumps out of his arms. He then puts his hand against the wall to regain his balance while laughing. He wraps his arms around her waist tightly and she giggles quietly, her face on the crook of his neck. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you more, Kirst," Mitch responds sweetly. They finally break apart as Kirstie grabs him by the shoulders.

"I have something for you!" Kirstie looks back over at me with an adorable look. "And you too! Let me go grab it!" she exclaims, and runs down the hallway. I watch after her, a smile spread across my face, and meet Mitch's eyes from across the room. His smile is about the same width as mine and his eyes are filled with happiness. It's been almost a whole month since we've seen Kirstie because she and Jeremy have been just having some quality alone time away from everyone else.

I hope I get to do that with someone, to grow old with. I wonder who it'll be.

My thoughts wander for a while into what the future holds until Kirstie returns with two wrapped presents that are wrapped in silver and rose gold wrappings. She must've spent forever wrapping them.

"Aw! You're such a sweetheart, Kirst," Mitch says, eyes lit up.

"Yeah, Kirst! You do so much for us."

"Oh come now guys. Just open them," Kirstie says with a slightly pink face.

"It's so beautiful, I almost don't want to open it!" Mitch exclaims. We all laugh and begin to open our presents. Mitch's present is a cute sweater he's been practically begging for and a new phone case that has pictures of the three of us in it from high school to now. I feel like I'm looking into the past and let out a little gasp.

"Wow. I feel so old," I say.

"I know, it's cute isn't it?"

"Yes, I love this so much, thanks beautiful," Mitch tells Kirstie and kisses her on the cheek. "I love you darling."

"Love you too, Mitchie," she responds before turning to me. "Well, are you gonna open it?"

"Oh yes! Right now." I open the box to see a shirt from my favorite designer and let out a little squeal. I then look under it to find a similar phone case but with different pictures. On the bottom it has all our initials engraved into it. I am speechless and stand there agape for a short while.

"Well..?" Kirstie suggests.

"I.....love you," I mumble and embrace my best friend. She laughs into my chest.

"Love you too, Scottie. I knew you would like it, but I didn't think you would like it that much!" Kirstie responds and we slowly let go of each other.
"I'm just so lucky to have such good friends in my life. I don't deserve any of this, yet you spoil me. I love it, I love you both."

"Aren't we the sentimental bunch today! Who started this, anyway?" Kirstie asks us.

"Me this morning. I thought it was time to spice things up before tour," Mitch responds.

"Figured. Well I bet you guys have a ton of stuff to do today, considering Mitch was consulting me for ideas on planning out this day yesterday. Have fun you guys, see you tomorrow!" Kirstie embraces me once more, then does the same to Mitch.

"Thanks again, babe," I call to Kirstie as she walks down the hall.

"No problem, loves, see you," she calls out.

"Bye darling," Mitch calls to her and she turns to blow a kiss at him. He catches it and smiles. I then open the door for Mitch and we exchange another set of smiles, presents in our hands.

Today is going to be fantastic.

Sorry this chapter was kind of boring, the next one is a lot better, I assure you.

Thanks for reading!


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