Chapter 79: Connecting the Dots

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Spending most of Thursday afternoon skimming lazily over the notes for the evening's upcoming law midterm, I felt fairly confident as I headed to the library at Nip around half-past four. Picking up the key to room 317, the corner room Carrie and I had booked yesterday, I went up to the third floor again, spotting the door to the room directly in front of me as I reached. From what I could see through the little glass pane, the room appeared empty, so I let myself in despite it being fifteen minutes earlier than the start of the time slot I had booked for. Carrie had been right, this room was quite a bit bigger than the one in which we had studied yesterday, and the window facing outside even had a better view.

Not feeling particularly inclined to study again at the moment, I dropped my laptop bag on the table and simply gazed out of the window for a few minutes, enjoying the view and lost in thought. It wasn't until Carrie messaged me, asking if I had reached campus yet, that I turned away to open the door to the study room and told her that I was already at the library. Opening my laptop, I opened up my notes and started speed-reading again, until I heard a sound behind me. Turning, I saw Carrie and Caitie stroll in through the door.

"Hey!" they both grinned, as they both sat down at the table.

"Hey," I greeted back. "You were right again," I added to Carrie, "this room is much nicer."

"Told you," she chuckled.

"Look at you, studying hard and all!" Caitie remarked, staring at my laptop screen.

"Just skimming quickly," I laughed, "you ready? I know Carrie is, she was working on a whole stack of cue cards yesterday!" Carrie grinned and nodded, taking the cue cards out of her bag.

"Well, in that case," Caitie grinned, "I guess I better start studying then!"

"It's pretty easy, actually," Carrie remarked. "There isn't that much material to go over, especially with good notes!" She grinned at me, as we both knew she was referring to how I had annotated my notes and sent them to her yesterday. The three of us fell silent as Caitie began to skim over my notes, which Carrie had forwarded on to her, and Carrie looked through her cue cards. I, on the other hand, opened up my sociology notes as I had my second midterm for that course coming up tomorrow morning.

About forty-five minutes later, we all got up, packed up our books and laptops, and made our way back downstairs. Carrie and Caitie waited while I returned the key to the librarian, and then the three of us made our way to the law classroom. Once we got there, we saw two guys whom I knew were called Steve and Eric; they were friends with the two girls, and I was aware that the four of them were in most, if not all, of the same classes together. However, I personally didn't know them too well, due to the fact that the only class I ever saw them in was law, and both of them had missed the Thursday lectures very often as the university sports teams they were a part of regularly had games and events coinciding with the lecture. In fact, they had both missed the last midterm a month ago.

"Hey, guys," Steve greeted us, as we joined them at the very back of the classroom, where he and Eric were already seated.

"Hey," Caitie, Carrie and I replied back. "You guys actually made it for once!" Caitie added, grinning.

"Well, we couldn't miss both tests," Eric chuckled.

"You all set?" Steve asked me. "Akash, right? That's your name?"

I nodded. "You got it, though I have to admit I'm a little surprised you know." I grinned before going on, "you've only been to two of our seven lectures before this, from what I can recall."

He laughed. "You're right, I think! Though personally I thought we'd only been to one."

"I'm generally okay at noticing the details," I chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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