Chapter 52: The First Party

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For each day during the remainder of that week, I took my hour's lunch break to go and check up on Brandon. It was crystal clear to me that he was not enjoying being cooped up in his house, which was why I was already working on an idea to cheer him up. I hadn't spoken to anyone else about it yet, but I had worked out a way to organize a surprise party for him; on Friday, exactly a week prior to his birthday, I found him in a particularly surly mood, and I knew it was time to start planning in earnest.

"Damn it, I hate this," he said angrily from the basement, after I had kicked off my boots and gone downstairs to join him. "And don't you have work?" he snapped, making me stare. "What kind of company lets you come here every day?"

"First of all," I said coolly, "I didn't tell them I was coming here every day. All they know is that I'm taking my lunch break. Secondly, your place is only a couple of minutes' drive from there, so I'm not slacking off work. And thirdly, I'm doing this so that you don't get bored and do anything stupid from being shut inside all the time."

"You saying I'm stupid?" he demanded, sitting up straight.

"No, but you've been boiling for about a week, since you got your diagnosis and the doctor's advice, and you're liable to do something rash if someone isn't here to remind you otherwise. And I'd prefer if you don't bite my head off," I said calmly, handing him the cup of coffee I had brought for him from Tim Horton's. His eyes spotted the cup for the first time, and his expression looked more placated.

"Thanks," he muttered, looking abashed and taking the cup. I nodded and he gingerly took a sip before pausing and staring at me from head to toe. "Wait, where's your lunch?"

"I forgot it at home," I replied, sitting down. "No big deal, though, I'm not really feeling hungry. Got other things on my mind."

He chuckled. "Nervous about that party tomorrow night?" he asked. I started; in all honesty I had completely forgotten about the party. I had spent the last three days carefully trying to plan details of the surprise party for Brandon, thinking of who should be there and other finer details. But as it obviously wouldn't do to tell Brandon this, I jumped at his remark.

"Yeah, a bit," I began, but then added, somewhat truthfully, "among other things." He seemed not to care about the last bit, which suited me just fine.

"Well, I'm sure the party will go great. You have a cute date, and she'll show the other girls up!" he grinned.

"Is it a good thing if she shows everyone else up?" I asked wearily. "All I want is for this party to go well, and to have a good time, because I could do with an evening to relax for once. Haven't had a properly stress-free day for a while."

"Why?" he asked curiously, and I cursed myself inwardly for slipping up. What with planning the party, worrying about Brandon doing something he shouldn't be after his surgery, trying to figure out how to help him and Cam get together, and attempting to figure out how to renew contact with Carrie and Tracy, not to mention work and the countless awful thoughts I had had regarding all these things late at night, I had not slept properly for well over a week now. But I wasn't about to tell Brandon any of this; he had enough things on his mind, and my job right now was to help him, not be a burden.

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