Chapter 74: Heat of the Moment

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The remainder of the week passed without much incidence; looking back on it, of course I could have done more schoolwork, but I didn't have much to work on during reading week to begin with, so I was satisfied with the amount I got done. The first day back was also relatively quiet, with Steve about as enthusiastic about classes resuming as we were. As a result, he decided not to teach much in Monday's lecture, and concluded the class by giving us an optional assignment which, if completed well, would boost our midterm grades by a small amount. Brandon and I exchanged a slightly confused look while Steve was explaining the details of the assignment, but both of us relaxed when he said the class could work in groups of two to complete it.

"This assignment's gonna be a piece of cake," I grinned as we left the classroom. "When do you wanna work on it?"

"This weekend sound good?" suggested Brandon. "We could meet up after swimming lessons on Saturday and get it over with. I don't think it should take longer than an hour." I agreed, and we headed to psychology. In complete contrast to Steve Coker, Brandon's psych prof looked ready to continue his lectures as if there had been no week off at all, much to the discontent of a large portion of the class. However, the prof did end by saying Wednesday's class would see us watching a video for about half the lecture, which was a cheerful prospect to look forward to as we left the classroom.

"By the way, can I ask for a little favour?" Brandon asked as we drove in the direction of my house.

"Yup, what's up?"

"One of the strings on my Taylor guitar is snapped and I need to get it fixed," he explained, "but I have class till 5 tomorrow and I work at 6. So would it be possible for me to drop the guitar off at your place before going to class in the morning? It would save me at least twenty minutes if I don't have to go all the way back to my house to get the guitar at 5."

"Of course! You didn't even have to ask," I chuckled. "I'll leave the door unlocked so if you're in a rush, you can just drop it off and head to class."

"Thanks, I owe you one," he grinned. I waved my hand in dismissal.

I was up early the next morning as I had to drop Sid at school for the start of his school day, at a quarter to nine. Since Brandon's first class of the day wasn't until 12:30, I didn't expect him to arrive for at least another two hours, but I was surprised when I heard the front door opening just after 10. I went over to the living room to see Brandon looking in surprise at me.

"You're up early!" he grinned. "Thought you might sleep in on a day off!"

"Had to drop Sid at school, kid can't drive on his own yet... And I like having the vehicle," I grinned back.

"Fair enough," he assented, "I'd wake up early too for that reason."

"How come you're here so early, though?" I enquired. "Your class isn't for more than two hours!"

"I got bored at home," he laughed. "Figured I'd just come drop off the guitar early. Then we could play some Xbox until my class!"

"And what was your plan if I was still asleep?"

"What else?" grinned Brandon, "I would go downstairs and play anyway!" I laughed as he put his guitar on the couch and kicked off his boots. We hung out in the basement until around noon, before he reluctantly got up. "Damn. It. Don't want to go to class," he groaned as we trudged back upstairs.

"Is this the class you don't really enjoy too much?" I asked.

He nodded. "Three hours of world religions!" he said indignantly. "Who the hell thought that would be a good idea?"

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