Chapter 64: Carrie

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Tuesday was a day off for me; I had been hoping to have Fridays off, but there was no way for me to change up my timetable to make that happen. I didn't mind, though, and ended up spending some time simply looking over the material covered in the previous day's lecture. After that was done, I did almost nothing for the rest of the day, given the fact that my parents and Sid were out of the house at school or work, and Brandon had classes as well, meaning he wasn't free to play any Xbox.

On Wednesday, I woke up early, and with a sense of excitement. I had my first sociology class at ten, for an hour and a half, followed by a break until five, when Brandon and I had crim again. After my first day of classes, I drove up to Nip in a state of eager anticipation. Heading in through the same side entrance Brandon had shown me two days previously, I took out my phone to check my timetable and see where my sociology lecture would be held. According to the timetable, I had to go to room B-200. I paused once I had reached the area where I could see the large hallway which came from the college's main entrance and the staircase leading to the cafeteria, looking around for any clues that would tell me where the room was. Checking the time on my phone, I saw that I still had about ten minutes until the class was due to start.

Closing my eyes, I tried to remember anything I could about the parts of the university which Brandon had pointed out on Monday; There had been no room with a 'B' anywhere near the Nip cafeteria, or anywhere along the way to the room where we had had our crim lecture. Thinking harder, I could see in my mind's eye that, after Steve Coker's class, we had descended a flight of stairs, taken a couple of turns, come to this area and turned... My eyes flew open, and I saw that directly beside the large hallway was a door that led to a couple of auditorium doors. Walking over to one of them, I saw the label B-200 just beside the door and grinned. How convenient that sociology was in the same room where I had crashed Brandon's psych class. This would make it easy to remember. Glancing at my schedule again, I noted that my law class tomorrow would be in R-308, too. I smiled; it was almost as if Nip was making extra efforts to show me how easy it was to start as a new student here, completely at odds with my first few days in Toronto, which had been frankly nightmarish.

I pulled open the door a little and peered inside the room. It was empty, so I wandered in and took a seat a few rows from the front of the class. It was a good distance away that I would be able to read the prof's notes if he or she wrote very small, and would still be able to comfortably keep track of larger written notes or any PowerPoint slides which might be shown on the screen that was behind the prof's desk, in a corner of the room. I took out my laptop and binder, and logged in to the school website to see if the professor had posted anything new since last night. I found that he had posted the course syllabus; perusing it, I noted that the professor's name was George Blues, and that the course would consist of four main sections. There were a couple of pages discussing details of each week of the semester, but I figured I would either read those while the prof discussed the syllabus with the class, or at home later.

Slowly, the room began to fill with students, though I didn't recognize any faces. Finally, a man whom I assumed to be the prof, strolled in, carrying a briefcase. I watched him all the way until he reached his desk and began hooking up his laptop to the room's projector, and I was so focused that I didn't notice who had walked in behind the professor, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Well, well, it's good to see you again!" said a voice that I hadn't heard for ages, but recognized. I spun around to see a girl with blonde, curly hair smiling at me.

"Hey, Carol," I smiled. "It's been a while, I haven't seen you or your brothers much since you moved." Carol, her brothers Mike and Tim, and their parents had lived a few doors away from us when we had moved to our current house. Mike was a year older than I was, and Tim was in Sid's grade. I hadn't hung out much with any of them, but during my senior year in high school Mike and I had become friends of sorts when he found out I played soccer, and I had coached Tim during summer soccer along with Sid.

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