Chapter 48: The Problem With Knowledge

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Chapter 48

The stunned silence and looks of amazement that followed my answer made me stare. "Uh, hello?" I said. "Earth to lifeguards!" Brandon and Quinn exchanged a thunderstruck look and then Quinn finally spoke.

"Jenna Vitali?"

I nodded, unsure why their reaction was like this. "Are you this shocked that I got a girl to go with me to the party?"

Brandon ignored me. "Jenna Vitali!" he exclaimed. "You mean the one who worked here? Victoria's Secret Jenna Vitali?!"

Now it was my turn to stare. "What the hell are you talking about?" I said. "She's never worked with Victoria's Secret."

"No, but don't you remember? She and Alexis and a couple of the other guards were going through images of some of the Victoria's Secret models a couple of summers ago, and Jenna looked exactly like one of them!" I remembered the day that Brandon was talking about, but I was still unimpressed.

"Her face looks like one of those models," I chuckled. "But-"

"I'm telling you, man, she looks like that model from head to toe! How in fuck's name did you manage to get her of all people to go to the party with you?!"

"I just asked her, and she checked her schedule and said yes," I said honestly, getting a little bewildered by the over-the-top reaction with which my news had been received.

"I don't remember the model's name now," Quinn said ruefully, "but yes, Jenna looks so much like her the resemblance was uncanny!"

Brandon had already shot over to the computer by now, and was looking up Jenna on Facebook. "That's a fucking ten out of ten right there if I ever saw one!" he said.

"Stop drooling," I grinned. He looked at me in incredulous surprise.

"How are you not going to be drooling when you're with that for a whole evening?" Brandon demanded.

"Maybe because I don't drool over women, for one," I said. "And secondly, she's an eight, maybe a nine, but definitely not a ten."

"Are you high?" Quinn enquired, while Brandon's disbelief at my latest remark had rendered him temporarily speechless. "Only an eight or nine? Are you going by looks or personality?"

"The whole package," I said. "Eight, or nine at most." Both of them looked at me like I was crazy, before Quinn finally spoke again.

"Well, I'm glad you found someone to go with you to that party, and you did it on your own too," he said with a grin. Brandon didn't say anything for the moment; he was still looking through pics of Jenna on Facebook.

I went over to the computer and closed his Facebook tab, causing him to jump a little and finally tear his eyes away from the screen. "How? Just how did you get her to agree?"

I pretended to look affronted. "Excuse me? She's going with me because I'm awesome," I scoffed sarcastically. Quinn clapped me on the shoulder.

"That's the attitude," he grinned. "You're the shit, she's the lucky one." We all laughed before I gathered my things and turned to leave. "Don't forget," Quinn reminded me as I opened the office door, "we're going to Charlie's tomorrow evening."

I nodded. "Ten o' clock, I remember," I smiled.

"Wait!" Brandon said abruptly, jumping up from his chair. I gave him an exasperated look.

"If this is another thing about Jenna, it can wait till your party this Friday."

"It's not," he said, "I just remembered that the staff party for this place is coming up, too."

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