48. Chair

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I walked in, keying the door open and let Stacy in before locking it behind me.  Kohle's car was here, parked right next to mine and I wondered if he had brought anyone with him today.  I hoped he hadn't, that like last time he would be alone. 

    I walked through the main room, the bright lights making the room appear different, and headed to the private room.  I figured he'd want to have a meeting there anyway, no camera's to record anything he might say to Stacy, not that he minded recording the filth he did.

    I found him at a table, in the middle of the room towards the backdrop where the films played.  He stood up when we walked to him and I tried my best to smile as I shook his hand.

    "Kohle, good to see you my friend."

    Kohle's lips turned up slightly as I said that word and his eyes lingered on Stacy, who stood behind me.

    "Stuck to you like glue I see.  I wonder, did you find my video pleasurable?"

    Stacy took a few steps forward, making the grin on Kohle's face a little less ghost like. 

    "It shook me to the core.  In fact, that's why I invited you here.  You see, I know you want to finish off Stacy, so I'm going to give her to you, to prove that she means nothing to me, nothing more than a reliable slave.  She"  I laughed humorously, "She loves me.  She trusts me and I see that as a problem.  I have brought her closer to me, to keep an eye on her, but I can tell she will pave way for others to find me weak.  Why would a human ever love a vampire?  Ruth's descendant of all people?  It needs to be taken care of, and what better way than to let you have her.  It's a win win for me.  She is gone, and I build a better, sound relationship with you."  I gestured towards him as a grin grew on his face.  It would have been a normal small grin on any other person, but on him, it was ear splitting.

    Stacy's big doe eyes were more than frightened, as I shoved her forward into Kohle, who griped her tight to him, enjoying the ultimate smell of terror from her. 

    "Sit in the chair, so I can strap her on top of you.  I want to watch her squirm for a moment before you drain her."

    Kohle dragged Stacy over to the bottling chair, her screams and protests having little effect on him other than pleasure.  He sat back, pulling her down on his lap, keeping hold of her hands as I strapped her wrists in.  Stacy struggled and pulled away, out of Kohle's lap with a thud on the floor, kneeling in front of him, her head down and hands white from the force on her wrists.

    "Please no, Stoic.  Don't do this.  Don't do this to us."

    I ripped her head back by her hair and glared down to her while I towered above.

    "There is no us.  You were just a toy to be played with, a toy, that I have grown tired of."  I let go of her and walked around the back of the chair, but not before seeing that retched grin on Kohle's face.  "I want to watch her, watch those eyes as you take the last drop.  I want to see the love for me drain from them."

    Kohle pulled Stacy by the neck of her shirt to him, as she screamed through her tears.  He griped her upper arm tight with one hand and jerked her head to the side with the other, tangled deep into her hair.

    "I have missed this."  Kohle said, right before a metal chain was brought around his chest.

    "What....?!" His arm was forced down and a clamp was brought over his forearm.  "You piece of filth!"  Kohle yelled as he struggled against me with his remaining arm.  I got it locked, pinching Kohle's skin.

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