32. Burn

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I really really wanted to wait to post this chapter.  because well, its a doosy.

I won't name names, but a few little birdies went coo coo over the long wait for the reveal.

I love the crazies.

Kindred spirits.

"I want to know what Ruth did to you.  Why she thought she had to ruin you."

"You knew, you knew the whole time!  Why would you let me do this only to embarrass me?"

I scooted closer to her as she smothered her face in the pillow.  "You wanted me to know.  I gave you plenty of time to tell me to stop.  You didn't."

"You could have just told me you knew, you could have told me Master Ruth told you.  You didn't have to rub it in my face that I, that I can't."

"Ruth didn't tell me."  I leaned against the head board next to her and put my arm around her shoulder.  I wanted to comfort her, but I didn't want her to run from me either.  "I can smell it, when you get wet.  It doesn't smell right.  When you were, unconscious, I looked.  That's why I couldn't look you in the face, because I knew a part of you wasn't right.  That someone had looked at your sweet face and done something so heinous." 

She tried to pull away from me, but I only pulled her tighter, turning her into my chest.  "Tell me what happened.  Tell me why Ruth did that to you."

"Because of you."

I let go of her and wanted to push her back, away from me.  "What the hell.  Why?"  I was getting pissed.  If Ruth was still alive I would kill her all over again.

"When I didn't get punished, fully, she decided that I should get it worse.  The only reason she didn't kill me is because she didn't want to make you upset with her."

"When.  What punishment?  And for what?"  I pulled her trembling body closer again, running a gentle hand up and down her bare arm.

"When I changed the clock.  I was supposed to... in the shower.  You made the joke about taking my virginity, so Ruth.  She."  I could barely understand her between the sobs and sniffles.  I know it must have hurt to remember it.  It looked extremely painful when it happened.  I shushed her and tried my best to calm her down.  I kissed her hair, squeezing her shivering frame to me.  After a good amount of time, I tried again.

"What did Ruth do Stacy?  Maybe if I know, I can try to help you."

"She took me to her friends house.  They did things, he had his own torture room.  They cut me and hit me, Then would spit on me after to heal the damage they had done.  Then he got out a rod and a torch.  I can still smell it.  The burning. They left it in me, then ripped it out.  When Master Ruth came to the conclusion that I couldn't walk, she injected me with pain meds and antibiotics."

"Okay, that's enough.  You don't have to tell me any more about it.  But if she did that too you, because of me, why did you help me get the pleasure room ready here?  She could have hurt you worse."

"She told me to help you, but then tell her after, what I did.  She said that if you every found out, she would do the same to you."

It explained so much.  Why she smelled the way she did, why it looked different.  Scars continue to shrink over time, and soon she wouldn't be able to do anything.  Ruth had only did that to her, because of what I said about popping Stacy's cherry.  If I hadn't made that joke, I wondered if Ruth would have done the same thing to her.  I couldn't help but feel mostly guilty about the whole thing.  If I hadn't asked Stacy for that favor, if I would have let her finish me off in the shower, if I hadn't teased Stacy as much as I did in front of Ruth.  Ruth was jealous woman, and it was a side that I hadn't seen.  She had put a confident and powerful front on to everyone, but deep down, she was ruled by these human emotions.

"Stacy I'm so sorry.  I, would never, ever wish that on anyone.  Not even Ruth herself."  I pulled her back into my lap, tugging the blanket to cover her body.  When she clutched to me, I knew what she was thinking, that I would never want to touch her again.  That she was ruined and this was the last time she would be close to me.

I kissed her head, and laid us down.  My hand slid down the side of her body and she made no protest as I pushed her hips parallel to the bed.

"What, what are you do- ohhhh." 

I watched her face as my fingers roamed her v.  Her legs moved slightly, to give me a little more room, and I focused on the nub that only had thin scaring.  I could feel her body wind up beneath my touch, see the blood creep to her skin from her face down to her neck and chest. 

My lips smashed into hers, and introduced my tongue, letting it taste her more.  I bit her lip, a little too roughly, and that's when I tasted it.

Warmth, the kind of warmth you get sunbathing on a breezeless day.  The kind of warmth you get when you look at a little kid with their mom.  The kind of warmth of a hot bath.  Eating homemade chicken noodle soup when you're sick.  Hot chocolate on a cold day.  I could go on, but right now I was kissing my way to her neck.  I felt her body try to release the best it could, and bit down.

I know I had brought her to a new kind of heaven, but she had brought me to the heaven of heavens.  I knew why my father had kept my mother around all these years.  He might not have wanted to be bonded to my mom at the time, but I wanted to be bonded to Stacy.  I was caught up in the moment, caught up in her blood.  I was caught up in the thought of her by my side with this, for as long as she would live.  I bit my lip and kissed her.

I kissed her, and made her kiss me, made her take in as much as my blood as I could force into her without her knowing what I was doing.  If all I could get out of this was a loyal blood slave, then I was more than fine with that.  I swallowed less of her moans, less of her whimpers, until the only sound for human ears were the ones of our lips, moving against each other.

So now you know.  I was, and still am really nervous about writing something soo wrong.  This will probably be the last book that I write with dark thoughts like that, but if you're the kind of reader that enjoys the thrill, there is still more to come.

And for all of you others that enjoy the lovey dovey side, Stacy and Stoic now have the calling!!  He can be so sweet sometimes.

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