8. Two Birds

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"Ted good to see you outside of Bare."  I intimated for him to sit in the chair in front of my desk.  We were in my study and I had all the papers laid in a stack that I wanted to go over with him about.  We had one of these meetings once a month to go over everything.  This meeting just came a little early this month and I know Ted was aware.

"You say that every time I come Stoic."  He chuckled to himself.

I was done with the formalities and the events from the other night were still fresh in my head.  I just had a talk with the three girls that I had dance there.  I had to let two of them go.  They didn't remember any of what happened between them and I asked for Richard to make sure they were sold to separate owners after I crushed their bubble and had Richard tell them the details of their lesbian encounter with each other.  I then told the girl that I kept that she would not be working at Bare again and not to worry about being drugged by me in such a way.  She nodded and after she left the room, Richard had told me she had gotten a little dehydrated and fainted the previous day.

"I know it's not an issue with Dan's girls, but I don't want any of them on any sort of drugs.  I want random drug screenings done.  And don't bring that shit into my club again."

Ted took the word lashing like a pro.  His face was neutral and he simply nodded, knowing if he spoke even a yes sir it would piss me off.  We went over last month's numbers and everything looked good.  After the small drop from grand opening, we had stayed at a steady level, only rising some on even nights, or for specific parties.  Ted told me about any problems that he had, which were only two.  Old Coot had burned himself and he was getting where he needed help in the kitchen.  I told Ted to hire a human, someone who has hit puberty at least and have Old Coot personally train them.  Ted also told me that Dan's kid had a birthday coming up and he was to be taken away.  He said Dan was getting edgy and it was showing in her work.

I didn't want to replace her at all, but I know how losing a child could affect a mother.  I had watched my own shatter to pieces in front of me.  Dan was a good girl and she didn't deserve that.

"How long do you think Old Cooter has?"

"A year, maybe more, maybe less."

What a damn mess.  "Have him go to a doctor, get a full physical."  I dialed out on the phone.  The club was closed today and it was a good day to get everything done.


"Dan, I want you to bring your son to my house today.  I think we could work something out for you."

"Are you fucking shitting me right now?"  She said with so much excitement I didn't bother to correct her on how she was talking to me.  I kinda liked the girl anyway.

"No, say in about an hour or two?"

"I'll be there."

I hung up and sent her my address.  At least that was one thing taken care of.  I just wondered what the hell I was going to do with a six year old kid.  I'm sure Ruth thought the same thing when she bought me.  I looked up to Ted and saw him grin at me.

"You're still human at heart I see."

"Not at all.  If she becomes a basket case, I can't move on with my plans I have.  I'm thinking about expanding, and I need to go over every detail of what we have now, and see how we can translate it into another club."

It's short, so double update!!  I just finished a 75 hour work week and lived! Like the walking dead but overtime pays the same no matter how scary I look.

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