Chapter III

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Over the next few weeks, I've gain experience on this new game and from time to time, memories fade. I now learned about the Dual of Mid-Cloak, but still the special ability is still unknown. I'm surprise only a week has past but I've been to addicted to this game that I'm now lvl 22. It might be low but it's pretty hard to level up in this game. The highest player or known as the best player is a lvl 68. My goal is to surpass him. Each day at school the beta test were calling down to use the ABS for at least four hours of school time. Other players finally joined in and resulted with more than 12,000 people playing globally.
"Welcome to SwordsPlay Universe," Yu said. I spawned in the town of Machisive. I feel better after earning quite some money and bought better armor. SwordsPlay requires you to use your real physical appearance so no one gets scam. But that turned out pretty well. The new piece of clothing I'm wearing now is more dark with a longer cape. I always had a hood on and the dual blades are equipped but not physically appearing on my body. The dagger was on the left side of my hips hanging, waiting for the thirst of blood. I need to get new weapons, besides these beginner weapons are getting dull.

"Yo, Zar! I never really told you anything but... meet my friends!" Hanate appeared behind me along with 2 of his friends. He pointed to the girl on his left. "This Isla, her real and game name! She's a Hunter." No surprise there, since all Hunter's race are elf. "And this here is Omar. Game name is FuzzyChurro. He's an assassin class. Assassin are solo but he's my friend and super talkative."
"So should I address you as FuzzyChurro or Omar?" I asked Omar or FuzzyChurro.

"Either one should be fine." Omar simply answered.

"Call me Isla!" Isla excitely shouted.

"Isla, that's pretty obvious." Hanate shook his head in disgracement. I forgot all along that I didn't even properly introduce myself.

"Sorry for the rudeness. I'm Kidorobo. Well that's my game name. However I'm Zar. You two look familiar are you from Myth High School as well?"

"Omar is but Isla is just someone I came across and we partied up!" Hanate popped a balloon in his head. "Speaking of which, you haven't partied up with a group yet, huh?" I shook my head.

"I'm going solo all the way. You know I'm not the type to join clans." Hanate felt rejected. Rather disappointed that his friend is not going to party up with him. I feel bad for him. "I can try partying up but I don't know how long I'll stay." He enlighten up his face.

"Who cares! Maybe you'll stay longer than you expected, who knows! Anyway, welcome to the clan we made, Zixikon!" He threw a bro fist at me. I fist bump him back. Zixikon? I guess the name is alright.

We talked and laughed. It seems I have open up somehow. We walked down the path to the Danger Zones where you can be attack by any gamers or creatures. Those two, Isla and Omar, seem pretty sociable and funny. I feel like I can forget anyone and laugh with them which I do! I was glad that my humor is increasing.

"Zar, where we heading? Since you know, we all are following you." Omar asked. Isla kept pointing her bow and trying to recalibrate her aim.

Walking ahead, scratching my head, I turned around. "Not to be mean or exclude any of you but it's just that I'm heading to the next village to repair one of my dual blades." Hanate punched me in the arm lightly.

"The leader leads, the rest follows. Just shut up and lead, we are the Zixikons!" Hanate shouted. Everyone raised their hands and repeated after Hanate.

"Wait. I never signed up to be the party leader. You guys just accepted me and I'm not even sure if I'll stay. Besides, I never joined a clan before." I admitted. I feel embarrass, almost every player has join a clan despite the newest players.

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