Chapter 24 - The Unsuspecting Victim

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            That weekend passed too quickly, along with the next four weeks of tour. We were about halfway through it now, and Aria was just over three months into her pregnancy. She was showing more now, the slight curve of her belly beginning to peek out of her t-shirts and tank-tops that she often wore to bed. She had taken to wearing one of my cardigans around the bus and backstage, because it was long enough to cover her belly as long as she buttoned it up. I didn't quite understand the point of hiding it, but I knew she was a little self-conscious about the weight-gain that came with the baby. Nevertheless, I still thought she was perfect in every way.

Tonight, we were in Washington state, about to play a sold-out show in less than an hour. I was pacing back and forth, singing show tunes to myself in the dressing room, while Aria sat on the couch and watched curiously. Pete was sitting beside her, texting Meagan with firmly focused attention, and Andy was standing in front of the mirror, fixing his hair. Joe was off God knows where, talking to God knows who, and we probably wouldn't see him until curtain call.

I paced slowly, occasionally watching Aria as I passed her. She'd been acting strangely all day; Not eating much, sleeping in until almost noon, and altogether being lethargic all day. Even now, as I walked past her for the tenth time, she was laying her head on Pete's shoulder. He glanced at her briefly, then turned his eyes up to me. He knew I was concerned about her, but I brushed it off for now and kept warming up. He turned back to his phone, and Aria yawned. I spent the next few minutes finishing my warmups, then walked over to the couch to sit on the arm of it. Aria was fast asleep on Pete's shoulder, snuggled against him like he was a giant pillow. I smirked a bit; the scene was rather adorable, but I had to wake her up.

I gently nudged her shoulder and Pete took the hint, nudging her as well. She hummed in annoyance and snuggled closer to Pete, scrunching her face up like she was upset. I smiled and nudged her again. Finally, she lifted her head and looked up at Pete first, frowning as if she had forgotten where she was, and then she looked up at me. She yawned again, then smiled sleepily. I frowned, moving to kneel down in front of her. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking up at her with concern.

She shook her head slightly, like she didn't understand. "I'm fine," she told me, "I'm just tired."

I sighed and glanced at Pete briefly. He was following the conversation, as his sign language had been improving lately, but he wasn't saying anything. I turned back to Aria and forced a small smile. "Do you want to go back to the bus? You don't have to stay tonight. I'll send some security back with you."

She frowned again, seeming torn. "I like watching you perform," She signed, her bottom lip poking out just the slightest bit. She was so adorable that I couldn't help but smile for real now, but as I rested one hand on her belly, she could understand why I was concerned.

"I know, baby girl, but you need rest. You've been exhausted all day."

She sighed audibly and smirked at me. "It's hard work carrying a baby."

I smiled back at her again and nodded. "I can imagine. I think you and the little one should definitely turn in early tonight. It's probably not good that you've been staying up so late every night to watch shows. Come on, let me take you to the bus." I held out my hand for her and stood up, and she reluctantly placed her hand in mine. I pulled her to her feet, puckering my lips dramatically for a kiss. She giggled and kissed me, biting her lip as I tugged her toward the door. I glanced back at Pete before we left, and he was still frowning at us, a look of concern crossing his face.

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