Chapter 17 - Tonight is All About We Miss You

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            Arriving at the party, three fourths of the band were already pleasantly numb to the anxiety of dropping this video. Aria was all smiles and giggles, and I couldn't keep my hands off her. I wasn't so drunk that I was acting inappropriate, but I held tightly to her hand as we walked inside, and I kept one hand pressed to the small of her back as I introduced her to various people. Pete stuck nearby, but he was on his phone for most of the night, probably texting Meagan, and Joe was off God knows where doing God knows what. Andy had decided to stick with him, just to keep him out of trouble.

Finally, Aria, Pete, and I found a table to sit down at, fairly close to the bar. We were an hour into the party and the buzz from the champagne was beginning to wear off. I was starting to think about the video again, so I needed another drink. I pulled out a chair for Aria and waited for her to sit down, before walking around to the other side of the table where she could see me. "I'm going to the bar," I stated, signing while I spoke, "Do you guys want anything?"

"Beer for me," Pete replied, leaning back in his chair comfortably and kicking his heels up onto the table.

"Whiskey," Aria signed, surprising me slightly. I had no idea she drank whiskey. I nodded to both of them, and then made for the bar. After gaining the bartender's attention, I ordered a beer for Pete and two glasses of whiskey. I paid the bartender and balanced the three drinks in my arms all the way back to the table. By the time I got back, our tour manager, Henry, had joined the table.

"Patrick," he said, as I set the glasses down, "There's the front man I was looking for."

I set Aria's glass down in front of her and sat in the open chair to her left, between her and Henry. I reached out to shake his hand. "Hey," I said, "How's it going?"

"I'm ready to start this tour. How about you?"

"I don't know," I sighed, "It all depends on how tonight goes." Out of habit, I was still signing as I spoke, because Aria was next to me and couldn't read my lips. Pete didn't seem to notice, since he was used to it, but Henry was looking at me curiously.

"I'm sure you're more nervous than you need to be," Henry said, "I've heard the song. It's gonna be a hit." I laughed a bit at that and took a sip of my drink, setting it back down and moving my hand under the table to rest on Aria's leg. She smiled at me, sipping her whiskey. "So who is this lovely lady that I haven't had the pleasure of meeting before now?" Henry suddenly asked, smiling at Aria. She blushed slightly, looking at me to speak for her.

"This is my girlfriend," I stated, glancing at her and squeezing her leg just behind her knee. "Aria Rose."

"Aria," Henry said, reaching across the table for her hand. She took it happily and shook his hand, smiling with rosy cheeks. "That's a beautiful name."

Aria glanced at me to get my attention, and then her hands were flying through the air. Henry stared in surprise until I turned back to him. "She says thank you," I told him, "And it's very nice to meet you."

I could see that he was about to comment on her disability, not necessarily in a negative manner, but Pete saved us from the awkward conversation by suddenly dropping his feet to the floor and leaning in with his phone. "Guys! I almost forgot to show you! Look!" He held his phone out to Aria and me, a picture of an ultrasound lighting up his screen. "See that spot, right there?" He asked, pointing to a little bean-shaped dark spot on the screen. "That's my baby."

We both looked at the screen in awe, Aria smiling so wide I was afraid her face might just stick like that. She placed a hand over her chest and looked at me, her free hand grasping mine. I glanced at her, suddenly realizing that no amount of alcohol could make me forget what had happened this morning. I smiled nervously at her, then looked back to Pete, suddenly anxious for him to put the picture away. "That's amazing, Pete," I told him, "I'm really happy for you guys."

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