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Frisk's POV

Me and Chara walked into the room. It was dark, but we knew what was going to happen.

"Hi I'm Flowey the Flow- ugh it's just you. I don't even care. I see that Chara is gone. Was she too much? Haha, you're so weak." Flowey said, he then went back into the ground. Chara who seemed to not care before was at full attention.

"What the heck. He usually notices at least some part of me before I posses you." Chara said. I just shrugged my shoulders. We didn't have to wait very long till Toriel came.

"Oh, hello my child. Did you fall down here?" Toriel said in a comforting voice.

"No we have been here all of your life living here and we finally wanted you to see us. OF COURSE WE FELL DOWN HERE YOU IDIOT!" Chara said. I ignored Chara, tears were swelling in my eyes, I ran to Toriel and hugged her, tears were streaming down my face. Toriel seemed surprised at first but she wrapped her arms around me. I sobbed for a little bit. I thought of the last run, of when I killed Toriel. "Do you really hate me that much?" The memory burned in my mind which made me cry harder. After a minute or two after I calmed down we let go of each other.

"I'm sorry." I said sheepishly. Toriel smiled.

"There is no need to be sorry, it must have been so scary to fall down here." Toriel said. I nodded my head. All of the sudden I felt like my body was being torn in half. I cried out in pain and fell to the ground. I guess Chara felt it too because she cried out too.

"Oh my! Let's get you to my house and fix you up." Toriel exclaimed. She picked me up and walked me out of the room. Chara on the other hand had to walk.

"I wonder if I can fly. I mean I am a ghost so I should be able to right?" Chara said. I don't think she realized that she was talking out loud I suppressed a giggle as she tried out her experiment. She put one leg up and then the other. I was expecting her to fall but she didn't she just hovered above the ground. My jaw dropped as I watched her, she fist pumped the air in excitement. Then she noticed me watching her and she coughed pretending she didn't do anything. Watching Chara helped me forget about the pain for a little bit. But then when nothing else happened I felt it again, I winced and laid my head against Toriel.

After a little while you reach the house that I knew all too well. Toriel took me into the living room and placed me in her chair. As soon as I sat down I sunk straight down. Toriel and I laughed for a while. "Hold on a second I will be back in a little bit." Toriel said smiling at me.

"Ok mom." I said, I felt my cheeks heat up at me calling Toriel mom.

"Mom? Would it make you happy to call me mother? Well you can call me whatever you would like... within reason." Toriel said. She walked out of the room into the kitchen leaving me alone with Chara.

"Wow... that was awkward." Chara said laughing. I growled softly and rolled my eyes.

"You know I'm really confused here. I mean the other times we reset you never got hurt from the fall, I never felt your pain, not even when I had possessed you I still couldn't feel pain. Maybe you have reset too many times! And it's starting to destroy this world!" Chara rambled.

After thirty minutes or so, Chara was still rambling on until Toriel came back with a cinnamon- butterscotch pie.

"What the heck. She didn't even ask if we liked cinnamon or butterscotch!" Chara said.

"Here eat this I made it myself! It should help a little bit." Toriel said smiling. I took the pie and ate it. I felt my HP go up till I had one left to recover.

"Oh my! You still have a cut on your cheek!" Toriel exclaimed. I felt my cheek and winced as I felt a deep gash on the right side of my face.

"Hold on a second, I will be right back." Toriel said. She walked out of the room.

"You see what I'm talking about!" Chara said. I nodded my head.

Toriel walked back into the room with a cup of water and a first aid kit. She opened up the first aid kit and pulled out a rag. She poured water onto the rag and put the rag on my cut. I pulled away and pushed her hand away.

''Ow!" I said. I heard Chara yell out  in pain too.

"I'm sorry my child but I have to." Toriel said. I nodded my head and she started to clean my cut again.

"You never told me your name." Toriel said, I could tell that she was hinting for me to tell her my name. We sat there for a while I didn't reply. Toriel sighed when I didn't reply.

"Why aren't you telling her your name?" Chara asked, "What are you scared this time. You afraid that I'm going to possess you and make you kill her again?" I glared at her even though that was exactly the reason why. Toriel finished cleaning my cut and she rummaged through the first aid kit and pulled out three butterfly Band-Aids. She placed them all on it. I smiled at Toriel to thank her. She smiled back at me. I felt my eyes droop and I yawned.

"Oh you are tired! Here let me take you to your room." Toriel said. I nodded my head and got off the chair. When I got off the chair I stood by Toriel. I grabbed her hand as we walked out of the room to the bedroom. Toriel smiled down at me and I smiled back. When we got the room she said the stuff that she always does except at the end she said, "There are some clothes in there that you can have since yours are torn." I looked down at my clothes and saw that she was right, not only were they torn but they had dirt and some blood on it. I nodded my head and walked in with Chara. When I closed the door I walked straight to the closet.

"Can you turn around please Chara?" I asked softer than I usually do just in case Toriel was still outside the door. I heard Chara grunt in agreement and I heard shuffling, when the shuffling stopped I took off my clothes and opened the closet, I saw that there were some pajamas that were blue, the shirt was a button up. I put on the pajamas, the pants went down to my feet.

"Ok you're fine now." I said to Chara. As soon as I said that she went on a rant about something but I wasn't paying attention, I crawled onto the bed not even bothering to put the covers over me and I fell right to sleep.

Chara's POV

I turned around a little bit after Frisk hadn't made any noise at all as I ranted about humans and the surface, usually when I rant Frisk doesn't interrupt me but she just makes little noises to show that she is listening but this time she didn't say anything. When I turned around I saw that Frisk was fast asleep on the bed. I chuckled a little bit. I saw that she was shivering slightly because she didn't have the covers on. I walked over to her and pulled the covers over her.

"'s not because I care." I said to myself.


Hey guys sorry that I haven't updated in a while, and this is a pretty long one so haha :D (they will probably all be long though so you have been warned!) school has just been hard lately but I'm on spring break now so I will have more time to update! I do not own any of the characters! I just want to clarify this! Love you guys byee! 

Its Just A Reset (An Undertale Fanfiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now