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Stampy's POV

Sqaishey was hiding something from me. She kept on trying to say something that started with Mel. Weird. I am definitely in love with Sqaishey. She is really gorgeous. I've never really met anyone just like her. She seemed awkward around me. What if she did like me back?

Stampy, she's too good for you. Don't try to even impress her. But what if she does like me???? I didn't know what to do. I needed to ask Squid how he got his girlfriend Nicole.

At the sea food restaurant....

I ordered some smoked salmon with mashed potatoes and rice. It was good. Sqaishey and the girls were sitting at one table while us guys were sitting at another table on the other side of the restaurant.

This was my chance....

"Hey, Squid, um can I ask you something?" "Sure mate, what do you need?" Squid said with his strong Yorkshire accent. "How did you get your girlfriend Nicole?" I asked nervously. "Why would you want to- ah," He said with a smirk. "You're in love aren't ya Stampy?" "Pffffft, haha that's s-silly um wh-hy w-woul-ld you th-think that?" I sputtered. "Stampy, don't try to hide it, you've got a crush on someone don't ya?" "Well, yeah." I managed to say. I felt my face going red. "I think I know who it is..." Squid said in an annoying voice. "Who." I mumbled. He would probably guess right. Squid knows me too well.

"Is it, Sqaishey??"

"Ding ding ding ding." I said looking down. "She's perfect for you."Squid said smiling. "I doubt she likes me back." "Stampy, have you seen the way she acts around you? She definitely likes you back." "Fine, I'll ask her out at Disney World." I said, instantly regretting what I just said. "Good, she'll be happy with you." Squid said.

After dinner we went back into our cars and drove the rest of the way to the airport. It was a very chilly day. Sqaishey only brought a light jacket with her. Squid was on the phone with Nicole. She didn't want to come.

After Restaurant

At Airport

Sqaishey's POV

Our flight was leaving in 23 minutes and we were trying to find our gate. Gate 22. I was starting to get nervous because I've never been on a plane before.

23 minutes later

At gate 22 to Los Angeles California gate 22 is boarding now. A speaker announced

We got up from our seats and headed towards the flight attendant who would check our tickets.

I was shaking so I grabbed Stampy's hand. He was busy talking to Netty when he smiled at me. "Is everything okay Sqaishey?" He asked. "Yeah" I said in a hesitant voice. "You sure?" "Well I've never been on a plane before." I said. "It's okay, I'm here to keep you company." He said in a calm voice. There was a big line for the check in.

Stampy's POV

Amy Lee gasped. She was first in line. She started tugging on my sleeve. "Amy what's up?" I said. "We need to talk." Amy was going pale. She took me out of line. "What's wrong?" I asked again.

"I don't want to alarm you, but Melanie is here." Stampy's eyes got big. "WHAT??" I screamed loud enough for Sqaishey to hear. She looked over at me. I turned around and gave Sqaishey a fake smile with a thumbs up.

"Where is she?" I asked turning back around. "Stay calm....okay??" Amy whispered.

"She's the flight attendant checking everyone's tickets."

Stampy had a panicked look on his face. "What are we going to do?" Amy said. "Just ignore her." He said. "When Melanie kept throwing the glass bottles at you that night, I though you were dead." Amy said. "What glass? Stampy could've died? Stampy you never told me...." Sqaishey said from behind Stampy. "Sqaishey it's a silly thing Melanie did to me, I'll tell you on the plane. The line was getting shorter. As the three got back in line with the others people behind them gave Stampy weird looks. Stampy took a deep breath as he was the third to last in line.

Then the impossible happened...

Melanie saw Stampy and gave him a weird look. As he was the first in line she started talking with him. "So we meet again Joseph." She said pushing him backwards causing him to loose his balance. Sqaishey caught him just before he hit the ground. "Thanks Sqaishey." He said giving her a thumbs up. "WHO THE F*CK IS THAT?" Melanie yelled. "I KNOW AN UGLY B*TCH!!" She said punching Sqaishey in the stomach. "Don't say that about Sqaishey!!" Stampy said in an assertive tone. "Oh is she your new girlfriend??" Melanie asked. Sqaishey got up from the ground and did the unthinkable.

She punched Melanie in the nose and kicked her in the thigh.

"Come on Stampy!!" She said running into the plane. "Where are you going?" Stampy shouted back. "Just come on!!" He followed her.

Melanie knelt down on the ground as her nose started bleeding. Everyone around us looked shocked. "Stampy where are you going?" Squid yelled.

No answer.

They were on the run


Thanks for reading!! :)

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