Horrible things

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Warning! Bad language in this chapter. :)

3 days later.....

Stampy's POV

It was the day of Sqaishey's arrival and I was late. For some odd reason my alarm clock didn't go off. It was 10:20 am when I woke up. Her train comes at 10:30. I jumped out of bed as if someone had poured something cold onto me. I got dressed with a Stampy cat t shirt. And blue jeans. I went to the bathroom only to find that I looked like a clown with my hair. I tamed the mess as much as I could. My curls were sometimes annoying, like right now.

10:29. The train station was 5 minutes away from my house. This was bad. I want to look good in front of her. Then I remembered that I had a crush on her. I don't think that she likes me back though. She's waaaay to good for me. As I walked out of the door, I heard screams coming from the street. I looked up to see Sqaishey getting beaten by this other guy. "HEY!" I screamed. "Let her go!" The man didn't listen. Sqaishey was on the ground trying to crawl away, but failed. I started running closer to them. I saw that the man was beating her with a belt. I called 911 (Not sure what the police station's number is in England) and explained to the dispatcher that this man was beating my girlfriend. GIRLFRIEND?? STAMPY STOP YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN HER PROPERLY YET. GOD!

The ambulance was on its way. "Sqaishey!!!" I screamed. As I ran closer. "Stampy!!!!" She screamed back with tears running down her face. The guy noticed me. "Hey you stay away from my girlfriend!" He said in a slurred voice. He was drunk. "WHAT THE FUCK GO AWAY!!!!" he tried to say. He slapped me with his belt across my face. At first I couldn't feel any pain. But after 5 or so seconds, it started coming. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER YOU IDIOT." I screamed. He just stared at me with a nasty look on his face. "Sqaishey, do you know this fucked up person"? I asked.

"Yes I do. He's my ex boyfriend. He always used to get drunk and beat me every 2 or so months." She said crying even harder, because of pain. I approached the man. I kicked him in the knee, punched him in the nose and quickly took the belt away from him as he fell over in a small ball, clutching his knee. "Sqaishey, are you okay?" I said with tears in my eyes as I sat down next to her. I put my arms around her. She put her arms around me. It was nice. But still painful for me and Sqaishey. My cheek was bleeding and Sqaishey had big black and blue bruises on her face, legs and arms. She had scratches all over her body. Her forehead was bleeding like crazy. But to me she still looked cute. "No" she responded in a whispered voice. "I called an ambulance so you'll be fine." I realized that I was crying. I just wanted her to be okay. I heard sirens coming closer and closer to us. I glanced over to the man, who I still didn't know the name of. He was asleep. I had knocked him out. This young man came out of the ambulance along with 3 police officers and 2 paramedics. They asked me and Sqaishey questions like

Who is this man?
Do you know him?
Are you badly hurt?
When did this happen?
Did you see this happen?
Do you know anything about this man?

They took the man into a separate ambulance which was coming in a couple minutes. They put Sqaishey on a stretcher. I got to ride with her. A paramedic came in with me too. I don't know how this happened where, why, or when. I don't know why Sqaishey was in front of my house, but I'm glad she accidentally ran to my house. If she didn't then she would probably be dead. As the ambulance drove off, I said a little prayer for Sqaishey.

So....that's that chapter done! Thanks for reading. :D Next chapter will be up soon :)

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