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You know that feeling that you get sometimes? When you know that, that one day is just gonna be the worst day ever? Yeah, that's the feeling that I'm having right now.

And so far, I'm right.

"The Alliance have pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an.....Wait!....ahh!" He screams as he fights off droids. The hologram shuts off.

"We have to go out there and help him!" Anakin says.

"We will deal with Count Dooku. The most important thing for you, Anakin and my Padawan Olivia, is to stay where you are. Protect the Senator at all costs. That is your main priority."

"Master, as much as I admire your wisdom and as much as I love you as a Father, please forgive me for going against your word. But I do not agree with your discussion." I say, and Master Windu gives me a look.

"Excuse me? I think-"

"The girl talk, you must." Yoda says interrupting him.

"We have already lost too many people, and I just witnessed another death today. I do not want to have a few more. And my sister is out there with Count Dooku, and I don't think sitting here and waiting for this battle to be over is going to help her any time soon. Master, I have obeyed your words since I was a little girl, but this time I must speak up." I say and he sighs.

"You will do what I asked my Padawan. But I am glad that you are not afraid to speak up. You are becoming a very mature Padawan, but I would enjoy it if you would stay put." He says calmly, and I sigh.

"Yes Masted. My apologizes." I say and now before the hologram shuts off.

"We aren't staying put are we?"

"Nope!" I say replying to Padmé and we both sit and start to use the controls.

"Master Windu gave us strict orders-"

"Yes yes we know to protect Padmé. Well, you're going to have to protect her over there cause I am not leaving him there to die." I say interrupting him.

"What she said." Padmé says and I snicker. I see a smirk from Anakin come my way, but I ignore it and focus.

1 hour later....
Padmè and I get up, but Anakin stops us.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asks.

"To find Obi-Wan." Padmè replies.

"No your not!"

"Anakin! This is not up for discussion! If Padmé wants to go, you can't hold her against her will to stay here. You can go to prison." I say and walk off the ship, with them following behind me.

Then we enter the Stalgmite City.

"It's empty." Padmé whispers as we slowly walk.

"Thats what they want you to think." I say as we hear noises.

"Wait!" Padmé says, and we stop. Winged creatures fall from their tombs, and hold guns at us.

Then, none other than Count Dooku comes from behind them.

"Ah, Senator Amidala. I've heard so much about you." He smirks.

"Count Dooku I assume." She spat.

"I'm delighted to finally meet you. We have a lot to talk about Senator. I hope you can keep your young Jedi in check."

"Don't worry, they're housebroken." She says, and we follow Dooku his conference room.

They argue for a while, and I just listen. I stare at Dooku's features to see if I look like him at all. I can see Joy has his nose, and cheek bones. I have his eyes, and personality. I do not want to be related to this man. He can't be my Father. I won't accept it until I have proof.

"I'll take that weapon." Jango Fett says to me.

I glare at him as I slam my lightsaber into his hand. He smirks and does the same with Anakin, only he hesitates to give it to him.

"You may cause a lot of bloodshed Jedi, but you will not escape." Dooku says to him.

"Anakin..." Padmé says, and Anakin finally hands him the lightsaber.

Then he looks at me and smiles, but I only glare.

"It is good to see you again, young one." He says, but I say nothing.

"Your sister has been very disobedient lately. I've had to beat the snot out of her a couple times, but I've always remembered you as the quiet child." He smirks while he plays with a pen, but I keep silent.

Then two people come up to us.

"You have been charged and found guilty of Espionage." One of them says.

"Do you have anything to say before your sentence is carried out?" He asks me.

"I'll kill you. I'll kill you all." I say calmly and they laugh.

"Is that a threat?" One asks.

"No. It's a promise." I glare. "I don't care if Jedi aren't allowed to kill. You deserve to feel the pain and misery that I have felt since I was 12 years old. I will make sure that happens. Even if it takes every last breath of mine." I say, mostly to Dooku.

He gets up and smirks. "Sun Rit, take Olivia to the chamber. Let's make her execution a little more interesting." Dooku smirks, and I am taken away to be whipped.

Anakin's p.o.v.
I watch as Olivia is carried away. "You'll never get away with this Dooku." I growl, and he laughs.

"Please, take them to the arena." He says and we are taken away to a carriage and put in.

I can feel my heart heavy as Olivia's presence left me. I'm so in love with her, but I can tell she doesn't love me back. I'm such an idiot and selfish, why would she ever love me? That's all I want, is to be loved.

But only by her.

"Don't be afraid." I tell Padmé.

"I'm not afraid to die. I've died a little each day since you came back into my life." She says, and I look at her.

"What do you mean?" I ask and she finally looks at me.

"I love you."

OHHHH SNAP! Who do you think Anakin will choose??? And also put what you think will happen next! Hope you enjoyed!!

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