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Hi. My name is Olivia Ka'o. I'm originally from Tatoonie, and I grew up a slave.

I knew a boy named Anakin Skywalker during those days....he was my best friend.

But we were separated before we trained to become Jedi.

So now I'm here, protecting Queen Padmé Amidala, while my best friend, who I need the most, isn't here.

Now that you know a little back story, I'm going to tell you about myself.

I'm 19 years old, with jet black hair, dark brown eyes, and tan skin.

I like singing a little, reading, and I love to fight. But I sometimes have to control that, because I don't want the Dark Side to consume me.

Oh, and I've always had a crush on Anakin.

But if you say a word to him, it will be your last.

And if you can tell....I get really mean sometimes. So get used to that.

The Council allowed me to wear whatever I wanted, as a disguise I guess, because I'm also being hunted down, but I can take care of myself.

I was in the training room, working on my combat and tricks, when Padmé called me.

"Olivia!" Padmé called to me. I turned off the testing droids and ran from my training room to her. "Are you alright Miss?" I asked, with sweat dripping off my forehead onto the floor.

"Oh Olivia, I'm fantastic! Guess who's coming to see us?!" She said excitedly, and i shrugged.


"Obi-Wan and Anakin!" I froze.

Anakin was my best friend back in Tatoonie, and I haven't seen him in 10 years.

"W-what?! When are they coming?!" I asked.

"Any second now!"

I groaned. "I can't let them see me like this! I'm all sweaty and exposed!" I said pointing to my body.

"You don't look bad at all Olivia." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Padmé I-"

"Obi-Wan! Anakin! Mesa so happy to see you!" Jar Jar yelled from the hallway.

I groaned. "Come on!" Padmé said and dragged me. "You wait here while I say hi, then you can enter like you just got done training." I nodded and watch the whole thing go down behind the wall.

"It's a great pleasure to see you again M'lady." Obi-Wan said, and I rolled my eyes.

I hate how we have to talk to her, even if we are close to her.

"It has been far too long Master Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths have crossed again... but I must
warn you that I think your presence here is unnecessary." Padmé replied.

Rude much Padmé? I said in my head.

"I'm sure the Jedi Council have their reasons." Obi-Wan said.

"Ani?!" I heard her say, I tried to see, but I couldn't, Obi-Wan was in the way.

Dang it Obi. I said inside my head again. "My goodness you've grown." She said.

Well what did you expect? He wasn't gonna be little forever Padmé.

"So have you....grown more beautiful....for a Senator I mean."

I laugh silently at his stupidity. "Oh Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew in Tatoonie."

Sure he will.

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