Chapter 23

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*Spencer's POV*

Alex had started avoiding my calls. I think he is still embarrassed from last night.

After I saw Toby's Instagram post he sent me a message in snapchat and we ended up talking. It was nice to talk to him like that again.

Aria phoned me earlier this morning and said we should go shopping so I'm finally ready and she should be here any minute.

I quickly put on my not-so-white converse and grab my jacket.

When I hear a car horn outside my apartment I run down and hoo in the back of the car.

"Hey," both Aria and Hanna say from the front.

"Hey, where's Emily?" I ask, not sure is she's coming.

"We're going to get her just now," Hanna replies as Aria starts the car.

Once we pick Emily up we head to the mall. I really needed a girls day and I'm glad Aria offered to take me.

We all go into a few shops and then split up. Emily and I go into a small dress shop and the question I have been dreading her to ask pops up.

"How's Toby?" She smirks. She know that we broke up and I know she's teasing but really?

"I don't know," I tell her honestly.

"Oh come on, Spence. You are so not over him!" She laughs. "You must know how he is."

"Emily, we broke up. It's done," I tell her, starting to look around the shop. I pick out a cute cream dress and show Emily. She nods her head in approval before continuing.

"Spencer, stop kidding yourself. It becomes really annoying when you pretend you don't love him," she huffs. I just look at her and glare. She knows I don't like this topic.

"Can we stop talking about?" I sigh.

"No because you are not being truthful," she says.

"It's done, we aren't together." I tell her.

"You love him," she smiles.

"I don't," I whine.

"You do," she laughs.

"I don't,"

"You don't,"

"I do," I reply without even thinking.

"Omg! You do! You love him!" She squeals. Oh no.

"Shut up, people can hear you," I whisper. She smirks at me and I walk her arm playfully before turning around.

I can't help but smile at her reaction.

"So, when are you two getting back together?" She asks, showing me a small black dress. "Because he would love this," she winks.

"We aren't. I told you, it's over."

"Well, okay." She smiles, finally dropping the conversation.

We spend the rest of the afternoon shopping before going to The Brew for some coffee.

"So, Emily told us you love Toby." Aria smirks. Her baby bump is pretty big now. You can definitely tell she's pregnant.

"Yeah, well my feeling aren't just going to disappear over night," I sigh, running a hand through my hair. I must have taken that habit from Toby.

"I'm sorry to say this Spencer but feeling don't disappear, ever." Hanna says to me. That can't be true though.

"Yeah, if you ever had feeling for Alex then they would still be here but you never loved him the way you love Toby," Emily explains. I guess she's right.

"Well, I guess I'll just need to get over him." I say, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Why are you so frustrating?" Aria laughs. We all start laughing and decide to talk for the rest of the evening.


A girls day out is always a brilliant idea!

Please like and comment ~ Emma xx:)

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