Chapter 14

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*Spencer's POV*

Lying in bed all day, eating chocolate ice-cream, watching sad movies and listening to heartbreaking songs doesn't fix the way my heart feels, how I feel inside.

You always see the broken hearted girls on the TV, doing all they things but why even bother? I did bother for about a day but even though it hurts, the world doesn't stop for you. I wasted my weekend and now it's Monday.

I drag myself out of bed and quickly get ready for the day ahead of me.

I wonder if Toby is still expecting me to take Lily home? No, I won't. Unless she comes to get me.

Damn it, Spencer! Stop thinking about him.

When I get to the school I go straight to my classroom and get ready for my class. As soon as the bell goes, the day goes by extremely fast.

When the last bell rings, I gather my stuff. I decide to wait until everyone's gone so I don't have to bump into Toby or Yvonne. That's the last thing I want.

I wait twenty minutes before leaving my class and walking to my car.

When I walk out the school door Toby has his back towards me. I turn around and am about to walk back inside when Lily shouts my name. Damn it.

"Spencer!" She cheers, running up to me. I turn around slowly, making sure not to look at him.

"Hey Lily," I say softly. I can feel his eyes on me and I need to get away from here before I end up in tears, again.

"Hey," Toby's voice says quietly. I look up and we both stare at each other for a few seconds.

"I need to go," I say, turning around and walking away. I keep walking, not looking back and finally get to my car without any hassle.

When I get into my car I notice that he hasn't followed me. I can't help but feel disappointed but what should I expect. He kissed Yvonne. 

I get home and fall on to the couch. I was having a good day and then he comes to plant himself back into my brain.

He's so damn annoying.

My phone goes off just as I get off the couch.

"Hello?" I answer, not bothering who the caller id is.

"Hey, what you up to?" Alex asks.

"I just got home from work, what about you?"

"Well, I was about to ask you if you wanted to go for dinner?" He asks. I really don't want to but Alex is my friend.

"I don't know......"

"Look Spence, I know that jerk Toby broke your heart," I feel like I've just been stabbed in the heart at the mention of his name and I think Alex catches on before he continues. "Sorry. Just don't let him put you down. You deserve better,"

"Thanks Alex but I think I'll skip this one. I'll see you later?" I ask in hopes of a reply.

"Yeah, later?" He huffs before hanging up the phone.

I wonder what's up with him. He knows I'm going through a hard time so why is he annoyed about it.

I don't think about it much, instead I get changed into comfy clothes and go a walk. I need some fresh air.

*Toby's POV*

I chickened out at the school this afternoon. I was meant to speak to Spencer but when I saw her, I couldn't.

I keep picturing her crying in her car, over and over in my head. The way she looked at me. I will never forget the way she looked at me. It was like she never even knew me. She didn't acknowledge me.

All I want right now is for her to hold me. She should be here right now, playing with Lily, making sarcastic jokes, telling me how good I look in my cop uniform but instead she is probably with that Alex guy.

I wonder where he is. I want to talk to him, by myself.


What do you think Toby will do? And will Toby find out about Spencer's past?

Will Toby ever propose to Spencer?

Please like and comment ~ Emma xx:)

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